Lost Angel (2023) 摄影 由 Tibet Demirel

摄影, 31.5x47.2 in
价格: 免费送货
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发货地: 土耳其 (管) 在3天
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"Lost Angel" is a poignant piece of art that captures the image of a young girl, just eight years old, in an environment that appears both divine and icy. Dressed in a leather skirt and top, she exudes a childlike innocence that contrasts with the maturity of her attire. Her white angel wings, a symbol of purity and innocence, add a celestial[...]
"Lost Angel" is a poignant piece of art that captures the image of a young girl, just eight years old, in an environment that appears both divine and icy. Dressed in a leather skirt and top, she exudes a childlike innocence that contrasts with the maturity of her attire. Her white angel wings, a symbol of purity and innocence, add a celestial dimension to her image, reinforcing the idea that she is a being from another world.

The greenish, icy environment in which she finds herself evokes a sense of solitude and isolation. It's as if she has been placed in a world that is foreign to her, a world she doesn't quite understand yet. This idea is reinforced by the way she places her hand on her chest, as if to reassure herself, and by her innocent yet slightly worried and frightened gaze.

The girl's gaze is particularly striking. There is an innocence in her eyes, but also a slight worry and fear. It's as if she is lost in this divine and icy world, searching for a path or direction.

As an artist, I wanted to capture the feeling of loss and solitude one can experience when faced with the unknown. The young girl, despite her innocence and youth, is confronted with a world that is foreign to her. However, despite her worry and fear, she does not lose hope. She remains strong, holding her hand on her chest as a sign of reassurance.

"Lost Angel" is an exploration of innocence, loss, and self-discovery. It is a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit, its ability to face the unknown and find its place in the world. It is a work that invites the viewer to question their own experience of loss and self-discovery.


Lost AngelYoung GirlDivine EnvironmentIcy WorldLeather Attire

西藏·德米雷尔 (Tibet Demirel) 是一位比利时裔土耳其摄影师,以其独特的美术摄影方法而脱颖而出。他出生于比利时,目前居住在土耳其,利用摄影处理技术创造出关注身份、关系、情感和梦想的超现实图像。她的作品融合了摄影和插画,每幅图像都是她丰富想象力的画布。 西藏无可挑剔的技巧和微妙的概念思想创造了普遍情感的美丽唤起。它捕捉到了人类灵魂的复杂力量和脆弱性。他巧妙地运用离奇而巧妙的隐喻,将黑暗的幻想和大气的梦想形象化,同时揭示了在城市世界中思考、感受、梦想和表达自己的意义。 他的作品经常以人体为主题,捕捉拍摄对象在拍摄时的真实情感。他探讨了人类表征以及身体与自我之间的关系问题。在每张照片的背后,他都创造了一个可以自由发挥想象力的背景,将每张图像转变成一件独特的艺术作品。 西藏在国际上展出了她的作品,并因其空灵的审美和独特的摄影方法而受到赞誉。他的作品不断发展,不断突破摄影和插画的界限。[...]

西藏·德米雷尔 (Tibet Demirel) 是一位比利时裔土耳其摄影师,以其独特的美术摄影方法而脱颖而出。他出生于比利时,目前居住在土耳其,利用摄影处理技术创造出关注身份、关系、情感和梦想的超现实图像。她的作品融合了摄影和插画,每幅图像都是她丰富想象力的画布。




查看更多的Tibet Demirel

摄影 | 35.4x23.6 in
摄影 | 35.4x23.6 in
摄影 | 35.4x23.6 in
摄影 | 47.2x31.5 in

