Fertility (2024) 绘画 由 Sofiia Dvoretska

油在帆布上, 39.4x25.6 in
价格: 免费送货
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最大分辨率: 4746 x 7366 px

Sofiia Dvoretska 出售

The painting is an image of a mysterious blue woman with black hair, devoid of pupils, which gives her a special character of mystery and strangeness. A pearl necklace and beads resembling frog eggs gracefully hang from her neck and shoulders. This element symbolizes fertility and fertility, creating an atmosphere of vital energy. Three[...]
The painting is an image of a mysterious blue woman with black hair, devoid of pupils, which gives her a special character of mystery and strangeness. A pearl necklace and beads resembling frog eggs gracefully hang from her neck and shoulders. This element symbolizes fertility and fertility, creating an atmosphere of vital energy.

Three white balls are placed around the woman, connected by soft mucus, which also represents frog eggs. This element emphasizes the theme of fertility and new life, creating associations with the beginning of the cycle and rebirth.

The background of the painting is made in golden shades, giving the image shine and luxury. The golden backing creates a feeling of jewelery and sublimity, which emphasizes the importance of the symbols depicted in the painting.

This painting is made using oil and acrylic, combining techniques and giving the work of art depth and color saturation. All together, the work creates the impression of mysterious beauty and symbolism, inviting the viewer to reflect on the cycles of life and its boundless fertility.Artina is an image of a mysterious blue woman with black hair, devoid of pupils, which gives her a special character of mystery and strangeness. A pearl necklace and beads resembling frog eggs gracefully hang from her neck and shoulders. This element symbolizes fertility and fertility, creating an atmosphere of vital energy.

Three white balls are placed around the woman, connected by soft mucus, which also represents frog eggs. This element emphasizes the theme of fertility and new life, creating associations with the beginning of the cycle and rebirth.

The background of the painting is made in golden shades, giving the image shine and luxury. The golden backing creates a feeling of jewelery and sublimity, which emphasizes the importance of the symbols depicted in the painting.

This painting is made using oil and acrylic, combining techniques and giving the work of art depth and color saturation. All together, the work creates the impression of mysterious beauty and symbolism, inviting the viewer to reflect on the cycles of life and its boundless fertility.



Hello! My name is Sofia, I'm 19 years old, and I was born in the charming Ukrainian city of Melitopol. Although I've never attended an art school or university, my love for art has been with me since[...]

Hello! My name is Sofia, I'm 19 years old, and I was born in the charming Ukrainian city of Melitopol. Although I've never attended an art school or university, my love for art has been with me since childhood. Since I first picked up brushes and paints, I started teaching myself the art of drawing.

For the past two years, I've been joyfully creating on canvases, and it has become an integral part of my life. Recently, I moved to France, and this place has not only become a new home for me but also a source of inspiration. In this beautiful country, I've discovered new aspects of creativity and felt the power of art surrounding me.

My journey of exploration and artistic development is a challenge and an opportunity for me to unveil my artistic potential. I aspire to grow as a professional artist in France, creating unique works and contributing to the global art scene. I appreciate the inspiration and support that accompany me along this extraordinary creative path!

查看更多的Sofiia Dvoretska

水粉在中密度纤维板上 | 11.8x7.9 in
油在帆布上 | 39.4x25.6 in
水粉在帆布上 | 19.7x15.8 in
油在帆布上 | 47.2x15.8 in

