Odessa (2022) 绘画 由 Petro Boyko

油在帆布上, 31.9x33.5 in
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  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 在帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 31.9in, 宽度 33.5in
  • 艺术品状况 工作状况非常好
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 画作 低于US$5,000 天真的艺术 海滩
"Odessa" is a vibrant and picturesque painting by Petro Boyko, created in 2022. The city of Odessa holds a special place in the artist's life as it was where he received his artistic education, held creative exhibitions, and formed friendships with Odessa's non-conformist artists who influenced his work. Odessa is a[...]
"Odessa" is a vibrant and picturesque painting by Petro Boyko, created in 2022. The city of Odessa holds a special place in the artist's life as it was where he received his artistic education, held creative exhibitions, and formed friendships with Odessa's non-conformist artists who influenced his work.

Odessa is a colorful seaside city in the south of Ukraine, also known as "Odessa-mama." It represents a unique blend of cultures and architectural styles, and its atmosphere is infused with sea breeze and historical heritage. Odessa has always been a source of inspiration for Boyko, and his painting aims to convey his deep attachment to this beautiful place.

However, in 2022, Ukraine was engulfed in war, and the artist found himself in difficult times. The painting "Odessa" became his attempt to distract from the horrors of war and revisit the pleasant memories of beautiful summer days spent in this extraordinary city. The artwork employs bright and vivid colors, reflecting the joyful atmosphere of Odessa and creating a sense of warmth and light.

On Petro Boyko's canvases, there is always profound meaning, and "Odessa" is no exception. It is more than a mere depiction of the city; it is a work of art that reveals a part of the artist's soul and his connection to this place. The painting reminds us of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and cherishing the beautiful moments in life that can overcome difficult times and the horrors of war.

"Odessa" is a creative act from the artist's heart, genuine and touching, allowing us to see the world through Petro Boyko's eyes and feel his profound love for this special place.



博伊科·佩特罗 (Boyko Petro) 是一位乌克兰前卫艺术家,因其非凡的才华和独特的世界观而闻名。他于 1954 年 4 月 25 日出生于切尔尼戈夫地区的普雷卢基,从小就表现出对绘画的热情。 1985年,博伊科·佩特罗考入莫斯科国立绘画、雕塑和建筑学院,一直学习到1993年。在莫斯科期间,他定期参观艺术工作室、展览和博物馆,同时与著名艺术家交流并上课伊利亚·格拉祖诺夫 (Ilya Glazunov)[...]

博伊科·佩特罗 (Boyko Petro) 是一位乌克兰前卫艺术家,因其非凡的才华和独特的世界观而闻名。他于 1954 年 4 月 25 日出生于切尔尼戈夫地区的普雷卢基,从小就表现出对绘画的热情。

1985年,博伊科·佩特罗考入莫斯科国立绘画、雕塑和建筑学院,一直学习到1993年。在莫斯科期间,他定期参观艺术工作室、展览和博物馆,同时与著名艺术家交流并上课伊利亚·格拉祖诺夫 (Ilya Glazunov) 和祖拉布·策列铁里 (Zurab Tsereteli)。


自 2012 年以来,博伊科·佩特罗一直是乌克兰国家艺术家联盟的成员。他的绘画风格融合了基思·哈林、安迪·沃霍尔、巴勃罗·毕加索和萨尔瓦多·达利等世界著名艺术家的各种影响和风格。尽管受到这些影响,博伊科·佩特罗仍然能够发展自己独特的风格,创作出独特且可识别的艺术作品。



查看更多的Petro Boyko

油在帆布上 | 25x34.1 in
丙烯在布上 | 29.9x30.7 in
油在帆布上 | 31.5x33.1 in
油在布上 | 31.5x41.3 in

