Venus de Milo (2021) 绘画 由 Monika Mrowiec


Monika Mrowiec 出售

Crazy portrait of Venus de Milo. This is the artist's first painting in which she combined two completely different painting techniques. The background of the painting was created in the acrylic technique with spray and markers, but the figure of Venus is painted with oil paints, which adds an interesting shine and elegance to this illustration.[...]
Crazy portrait of Venus de Milo. This is the artist's first painting in which she combined two completely different painting techniques. The background of the painting was created in the acrylic technique with spray and markers, but the figure of Venus is painted with oil paints, which adds an interesting shine and elegance to this illustration. This painting is a part of the "Street Art Avenue" series, mixed medium on canvas (spray, markers, acrylic, and oil paint). The sides have been aesthetically painted in black so the artwork can be hung on the wall without framing. Signed on the right by the signature of the author "Mm."


VenusSculptureMiloVenus Z MiloVenus De Milo

Monika Mrowiec 是一位当代波兰艺术家和平面设计师,其作品的特点是对比鲜明的金属色与微妙的灰色背景的独特融合,并通过动态的油漆飞溅来强调。这种独特的组合给她的画作注入了迷人的氛围和个性。

Monika Mrowiec 是一位当代波兰艺术家和平面设计师,其作品的特点是对比鲜明的金属色与微妙的灰色背景的独特融合,并通过动态的油漆飞溅来强调。这种独特的组合给她的画作注入了迷人的氛围和个性。

Mrowiec 艺术作品中反复出现的主题是色彩缤纷的动物肖像,她试图通过这些肖像捕捉它们的美丽和表现力,同时打造非传统的背景和形式。除了纯粹的再现之外,姆罗维茨的画作还可以作为对各种事件的评论,邀请观众反思并唤起情感。对她来说,艺术不仅是表达个性的手段,也是激发想象力和发现新视角的工具。

Mrowiec 于 2004 年在中学艺术学校开始了她的艺术之旅,之后在奥波莱大学艺术学院继续深造,专攻艺术教育和新媒体。她的硕士论文重点关注街头艺术,这是她作品灵感的主要来源。受到 Banksy 和 Shepard Fairey 等著名街头艺术家的影响,Mrowiec 将他们的风格元素融入到自己的创作中。

然而,Mrowiec 将艺术视为一种超越风格和世代界限的有趣探索,大胆地将古代主题与波普艺术的影响融合在一起。正是这种建立意想不到的联系的意愿使她的作品与众不同,并突显了她的艺术视野。

查看更多的Monika Mrowiec

喷漆在帆布上 | 43.3x39.4 in
油在帆布上 | 43.3x31.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x51.2 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 35.4x55.1 in

