A Spark of Whimsy in the Cosmic Blaze (2024) 绘画 由 Mehdi Fahraji

丙烯在帆布上, 23.6x19.7 in
价格: 免费送货
Mehdi Fahraji 出售
发货地: 泰国 (盒子或纸箱包装) 在2天
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A Spark of Whimsy in the Cosmic Blaze 50x60 cm Acrylic on canvas Available This canvas is a testament to the enduring power of childlike wonder, even in the face of the vast unknown. I set the scene against a backdrop of swirling nebulas and fiery stars, a mesmerizing display of the raw power of the cosmos. But amidst this[...]
A Spark of Whimsy in the Cosmic Blaze
50x60 cm
Acrylic on canvas
This canvas is a testament to the enduring power of childlike wonder, even in the face of the vast unknown. I set the scene against a backdrop of swirling nebulas and fiery stars, a mesmerizing display of the raw power of the cosmos. But amidst this celestial drama, a solitary astronaut injects a touch of playfulness.
The astronaut, their features obscured by the visor, floats weightlessly. Their gloved hand clutches a string, the other end holding aloft an unexpected companion – a metallic tube balloon dog. The contrast between the astronaut's professional attire and the toy-like balloon creates a delightful tension.
The balloon dog isn't just any silver; it gleams with an almost holographic sheen, catching the fiery hues of the nebula in its metallic surface. Is it a playful reminder of Earth, a cherished memento brought on a long voyage? Or perhaps it's a figment of the astronaut's imagination, a burst of childlike wonder amidst the overwhelming vastness of space?


AstronautSolar System

Mehdi Fahraji is a Persian artist, painter & muralist based in Thailand Early life and education In 1998 he enrolled in the university of shiraz studying associate degree in fine[...]

Mehdi Fahraji is a Persian artist, painter & muralist based in Thailand

Early life and education

In 1998 he enrolled in the university of shiraz studying associate degree in fine arts and then he enrolled in the University of Tehran, studying painting.
in the university's Fine Arts faculty. He graduated from the university in 2007. He later earned a master's degree in M.A from Bangkok University-Thailand. He gained a wider public attention after he was commissioned by the Ministry of Beautification of Iran to paint walls around the capital Tehran. From 2006 till know he had done more than Fifty painted wall pieces . In 2010 he moved to Thailand and he is working as a PAINTER, Muralist since then.


Member of the society of Iranian painters(SIP)

Member of the Institute for promotion of
Visual Arts

Authorized artist for performing art works in Tehran Municipality of Tehran ,Beautification
Organization Since 2006

查看更多的Mehdi Fahraji

丙烯在帆布上 | 11.8x11.8 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 15.8x15.8 in
油在帆布上 | 39.4x35.4 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 15.8x15.8 in

