Go where it's scary (2024) 印花与版画 由 Maria Lapteva

印花与版画在纸上, 7.9x7.9 in
价格: 免费送货
发货地: 爱沙尼亚 (盒子或纸箱包装) 在1周
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My paintings depict different styles, emotions, and ways of thinking related to the image of a girl. In my works, you can find both happy and vivid notes as well as melancholic and deep ones, conveying different aspects of being a girl. A girl can be both good and bad, loving and manipulative, strong and vulnerable at the same time. A good girl[...]
My paintings depict different styles, emotions, and ways of thinking related to the image of a girl. In my works, you can find both happy and vivid notes as well as melancholic and deep ones, conveying different aspects of being a girl. A girl can be both good and bad, loving and manipulative, strong and vulnerable at the same time.
A good girl and a bad girl in one person is also a cultural image that reflects the complex and multifaceted nature of a human being and reflects the contradictions that one can contain in oneself.
I have been influenced by the female characters of the TV series "Game of Thrones", whose development during the series is complex and ambiguous, turning them from positive to negative in the eyes of viewers, or vice versa. Queen Cersei Lannister, for example, is one of the series' first anti-heroes - a loving and caring mother and sister who is at the same time a manipulative and brutal ruler. Sansa Stark, who at the beginning of the series seems like a naive and gentle soul, becomes more and more confident and manipulative as the series progresses. When observing such developments, the use of criteria such as "good" and "bad" turns out to be very problematic. It is not possible to judge, everything is relative and subjective.
Looking at this idea in a broader way, one can come to feel the duality of all life - life inevitably involves opposite phenomena, good and bad, life and death, love and hate, happiness and sadness, joy and pain. The concept of the duality of life is also related to the contradictory and opposing values and norms prevalent in society. They can cause uncertainty and ambivalence in people's thoughts and feelings and influence their behaviour.

This work was a part of my personal exhibition at Haki art gallery 04.04.2024 - 04.05.2024, Tartu, Estonia
Print is 20x20cm, giclee print, paper 23x32cm Fomei Art smooth Fine Art paper 320g/m2


Girl And GodzillaScary ArtGirl PlayingBig EyeSurreal World

玛丽亚·拉普特娃(Maria Lapteva)是一位当代爱沙尼亚艺术家。她的创作理念深深植根于探索以最纯粹、最纯粹的形式传达想法和想法。凭借与生俱来的好奇心,玛丽亚对将物体和概念呈现为抽象形式的挑战很感兴趣,脱离个人联想,不受任何积极或消极的判断。 在她的画作中,玛丽亚巧妙地描绘了无数的物体和图像,将它们无缝地融入到反映它们在更大系统中的现实生活表达和功能的构图中。她的艺​​术方法反映了一种深刻的信念,即在宇宙的宏伟计划中不存在“好”或“坏”等价值判断。玛丽亚将生活的方方面面视为这幅浩瀚宇宙挂毯中不可或缺的一部分。

玛丽亚·拉普特娃(Maria Lapteva)是一位当代爱沙尼亚艺术家。她的创作理念深深植根于探索以最纯粹、最纯粹的形式传达想法和想法。凭借与生俱来的好奇心,玛丽亚对将物体和概念呈现为抽象形式的挑战很感兴趣,脱离个人联想,不受任何积极或消极的判断。


玛丽亚·拉普特娃 (Maria Lapteva) 对艺术的奉献精神源于她的学术历程,最终于 2014 年获得了著名的爱沙尼亚艺术学院的绘画硕士学位。她的艺术之旅以丰富的展览历史为标志,她的参与可以追溯到 2008 年。值得注意的是,她是爱沙尼亚艺术家协会的一位受人尊敬的成员,这证明了她在爱沙尼亚艺术界的地位。此外,玛丽亚于2015年至2017年担任爱沙尼亚画家协会董事会主席,展现了她对祖国艺术发展的领导力和承诺。

查看更多的Maria Lapteva

丙烯在帆布上 | 31.5x31.5 in
印花与版画在纸上 | 6.7x6.7 in
印花与版画在纸上 | 10.6x10.6 in
油在帆布上 | 27.6x23.6 in

