Il maestro e margherita (2009) 印花与版画 由 Luca Dall'Olio

印花与版画在纸上, 19.7x13.8 in
价格: 免费送货
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Serigrafia polimaterica Stampa: 25 colori Dimensioni: 35×50 cm Timbri a secco Stamperia Paoli-Arte VA Serigrafia polimaterica, cioè eseguita con l’impiego di diversi tipi di materiali. Firma dell’artista e numero della tiratura (numero delle opere prodotte) scritte a matita. I timbri a secco apposti sul foglio della[...]
Serigrafia polimaterica
Stampa: 25 colori
Dimensioni: 35×50 cm
Timbri a secco
Stamperia Paoli-Arte VA

Serigrafia polimaterica, cioè eseguita con l’impiego di diversi tipi di materiali. Firma dell’artista e numero della tiratura (numero delle opere prodotte) scritte a matita. I timbri a secco apposti sul foglio della serigrafia servono a garantire ulteriore originalità. La stamperia d’arte che ha prodotto l’opera è Paoli Arte di Varese. Tiratura limitata di 99 esemplari e 30 prove d’artista.



Luca Dall’Olio was born in 1958 in Chiari (Brescia, Italy). After attending Liceo Artistico Foppa in Brescia he attained his degree in 1980 at the Fine Arts Academy in Milan (Brera Academy) and immediately[...]

Luca Dall’Olio was born in 1958 in Chiari (Brescia, Italy). After attending Liceo Artistico Foppa in Brescia he attained his degree in 1980 at the Fine Arts Academy in Milan (Brera Academy) and immediately pursued his career as a painter. “Luca Dall'Olio, a young prince in the empire of signs”, the first monograph dedicated to his work, was published in 1986 followed by "Sentimental Sedimentations”, published for the exhibition at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara in 1990. In 2002 he was commissioned by the city of Rome to create a large mosaic (20 m2) for the Villa Bonelli subway station.

His primary medium is oil painting but his work also includes lithography, sculpture and abstract photography. He utilises oil and acrylic paint, gold leaf, plumb, wood, stainless steel, iron, aluminium and copper in his work. His frequent travels around Italy and the wider world allow him to open his mind and take inspiration from the kaleidoscopic realities of the world and from its beautiful natural landscapes. He also draws inspiration from other artists such as expressionist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

He has exhibited in national and international art fairs and exhibitions, such as Miami International Expo, Art Expo in New York, the 12th Quadriennal National Exhibition in Rome and was selected for the “Biennale di Venezia 54” Italian Pavilion in 2011. Recently he has been involved in art projects and laboratories with schools and associations for people with disabilities such as Zefiro Cooperativa Sociale Bergamo. Currently on show in Bergamo is the collective “Dare forma ai Sogni” / “Shaping the dreams” and a new solo show will open in Bergamo in the prestigious Fondazione Morcelli, curated by Paolo Cappelletti and focusing on the different thematic directions of the artist's production.

查看更多的Luca Dall'Olio

丙烯在帆布上 | 19.7x15.8 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 15.8x19.7 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x31.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 15.8x11.8 in

