Greca (2019) 摄影 由 Lídia Vives

摄影, 23.6x21.7 in
价格: 免费送货
客户评价 (12)
发货地: 西班牙 (管) 在2周
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In the realm of symbolism, "Greca" unveils a narrative woven with meaning. Within this frontal medium shot, a vision unfolds—an embodiment of contrasts and introspection. Before us sits a girl dressed in pristine white, her essence evoking purity and innocence. Adorned with a pearl headdress, she emanates an aura of timeless grace.
In the realm of symbolism, "Greca" unveils a narrative woven with meaning. Within this frontal medium shot, a vision unfolds—an embodiment of contrasts and introspection. Before us sits a girl dressed in pristine white, her essence evoking purity and innocence. Adorned with a pearl headdress, she emanates an aura of timeless grace.

As she sits behind a table draped in a pristine white cloth, a captivating tableau is revealed. Two classical Greco-Roman busts rest upon the surface, one male and one female. A story lies within their presence—a tale of duality, strength, and the inevitable frailty of beauty. The female bust, fragmented and broken, carries the weight of imperfections and shattered ideals.

Yet, amidst this juxtaposition, the model herself bears a pink-painted arm—a subtle disruption of conventional norms, a brushstroke of individuality. It signifies a rebellion against societal expectations, an embrace of personal expression within a world defined by symmetry and tradition.

"Greca" transcends the physical realm to embrace a conceptual journey. It delves into the depths of human nature, exploring the delicate balance between perfection and imperfection, the interplay of strength and vulnerability, and the profound significance of embracing one's uniqueness.

With profound symbolism and thought-provoking imagery, "Greca" beckons viewers to contemplate the intricacies of existence. It serves as a poignant reminder that within the cracks and fractures lies an inherent beauty, a testament to resilience and the transformative power of embracing our flaws.

May "Greca" find its home among those who seek art that ignites introspection, sparks conversations, and resonates with the depths of the human experience. Let it grace your space, an emblem of both fragility and strength, inviting contemplation and celebration of the nuanced complexities within us all.



Lídia Vives(西班牙,1991 年)目前居住在巴塞罗那,是一位摄影师和视觉艺术家,其作品曾出现在 Esquire 和 Vogue Italia 等杂志,以及巴黎卢浮宫等画廊、艺术博览会和博物馆。她还与许多音乐团体合作,包括西班牙乐队 Love of Lesbian。 自 2013 年首次展览以来,她周游世界展示自己的作品,并获得了众多国际奖项(2022 年在奥地利韦尔斯的特里伦贝格超级赛道上获得自画像金奖,并获得了路路通摄影奖)意大利[...]

Lídia Vives(西班牙,1991 年)目前居住在巴塞罗那,是一位摄影师和视觉艺术家,其作品曾出现在 Esquire 和 Vogue Italia 等杂志,以及巴黎卢浮宫等画廊、艺术博览会和博物馆。她还与许多音乐团体合作,包括西班牙乐队 Love of Lesbian。

自 2013 年首次展览以来,她周游世界展示自己的作品,并获得了众多国际奖项(2022 年在奥地利韦尔斯的特里伦贝格超级赛道上获得自画像金奖,并获得了路路通摄影奖)意大利 2022 年度目录...)

深受意大利文艺复兴和巴洛克艺术家以及她同时代的一些艺术家的影响,Lídia 的作品以她在处理当前问题时采用的绘画环境而著称,经常使用她的自画像。她还以在她的照片中隐藏复活节彩蛋以吸引观众更深入地了解她的作品而闻名。

查看更多的Lídia Vives

摄影 | 9.8x13.8 in
摄影 | 35.4x26 in
摄影 | 15.8x11 in
摄影 | 16.5x14.2 in

