Grandmother (1994) 绘画 由 Jacek Myshlinski

水彩在纸上, 27.6x43.3 in
价格: 免费送货
发货地: 德国 (盒子或纸箱包装) 在2天
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关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 水彩 水彩是一幅画,其中阿拉伯树胶结合透明颜料,露出画作的支撑。相同成分的水粉是不透明的。水彩是纸上的水性绘画。我们很少谈论一幅水彩画作品的绘画。水彩画被认为是一种使用水溶性颜料创造性地表现梦想、幻觉、情感和光感的独特方式。但是,用水彩绘画可能很困难。这是一种难以掌握的媒介,很大程度上是因为它可能是无情和不可预测的。错误难以纠正,其流动性使其难以控制。然而,正是这些品质赋予了媒体不可否认的魅力。


PinkOld LadyBabushkaFigureOld Age

Jacek Myshlinski was born on May 31, 1971, in Olesno, Poland. His journey into the world of art began at the High School of Fine Arts in Opole. However, he returned to Olesno to complete his education. Myshlinski[...]

Jacek Myshlinski was born on May 31, 1971, in Olesno, Poland. His journey into the world of art began at the High School of Fine Arts in Opole. However, he returned to Olesno to complete his education. Myshlinski furthered his studies at the Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts, where he majored in interior architecture and industrial design. Central to Myshlinski's work is the human element, manifesting through figurative compositions, still lifes, and landscapes where humans prominently feature, projecting actions and interactions that underline the human experience. He simplifies or symbolically interprets known forms, constructing his compositions with bold color fields that also aim to enhance the light within his paintings. This technique is distinctly Myshlinski, producing works where boundaries are fluid and blend effortlessly. Each piece is a manifestation of his emotions, with Myshlinski's art reflecting a deep, introspective dialogue between his technique and his expressive, emotive engagement with the human narrative. His career's outset was distinguished by winning first place in various artistic competitions throughout Poland, and his works have been included in several exhibitions, demonstrating his evolution as an artist dedicated to exploring the complexities of human dynamics through his bold use of color and form.

查看更多的Jacek Myshlinski

丙烯在帆布上 | 34.3x23.2 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 23.6x31.5 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 23.2x31.1 in

