How to install the Google verification code? (Google Analytics, Adsense, SearchConsole, Google Tag Manager)

Please note: these manipulations are reserved for users of Expert IT level. 

Step 1Retrieve your verification code from your Google account as follows:

  1. Add a property to your Google Account by choosing the "URL Prefix" method
  2. Indicate your domain, for example, https: //
  3. Go to the section Settings  > Property validation > HTML tag
  4. Do not copy the entire tag, ONLY copy the CODE into the META tag. For example in the META tag below, the code is "ABCDEFG123456789": 
    <meta name = "google-site-verification" content = "ABCDEFG123456789" />

Step 2: Paste the code on the section MY ACCOUNT> PRO SITE> SITE SETTINGS 
Step 3: Go back to your Google account to start the verification.
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