Does the website service include PLATINUM?

No: the website is an independent service, it does not include PLATINUM.

We offer 2 distinct services:

- Platinum to protect/promote/enhance your work on the marketplace

- Artist website that allows you to have an independent site, available on mobiles and tablets and optimized for the latest ranking algorithms from GOOGLE. The site includes your domain name, as well as your email PRO [email protected]

Artists usually use PLATINUM + PRO ART WEBSITE because it allows them to benefit from the best of both worlds: they appear on Artmajeur and benefit from the immense traffic of the platform to diffuse their work and use their pro website to their own colours with their own domain name to receive their customers, communicate on their business cards etc ...

For a a very affordable amount per year, everything is unlimited, everything is included.

All members upgrading their site on Artmajeur find a net increase in traffic, interactions and contacts received for their work, you can view their testimonials on the Artmajeur homepage.

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