How to add or invite artists?

Artists whose works you sell

Adding an artist is done when adding a new work

The artists whose works you present automatically appear in your list of artists.

When you add a new work on the "Works" section of your account, you must choose the artist:

  • If the artist is already on Artmajeur
    Simply choose the corresponding artist from the drop-down list.

  • If the artist is not yet on Artmajeur
    Click on the button to create a new artist below the "Artist" field. You will then be able to create a new artist profile: it will have to go through the manual validation process by our team before appearing to the public, which can take a few days.

Artists you present, and who sell themselves

Artmajeur allows you to precisely manage all cases of your relations with artists who already have an account on Artmajeur.
Go to topic   MY ACCOUNT > ARTISTS . You can then choose to invite artists, whether or not they sell the works themselves:

  1. Present an artist without selling his works
    The artist appears in your group, but he manages his own content, contacts, sales and invoicing.
    To invite an artist to join your profile, click on the INVITE AN ARTIST button and they will receive an invitation from you.

    Once he has accepted the invitation:
    The artist will appear in the ARTISTS section of your Artmajeur profile and will remain the exclusive administrator of their own artist account.

  2. Take control of an existing profile, and sell their works
    Once the artist has been invited, the artist must entrust you with the management of his entire account (works, messages and transactions). You then manage its content, its contacts, its sales and its invoicing.

  3. Return the administration of an account to an artist
    The artist resumes his account, he manages his content, contacts and sales again.

Good to know:

  • An artist can be presented by several galleries or groups, but he can only have one administrator.
  • The administrator of an account manages all aspects (contacts, sales, content, legal liability)
  • It is possible to make a profile modification request to the Artmajeur moderation team, even without being an administrator of this profile.

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