Why can't I upload my images?

 If you have troubles loading images, check the following:
  • Do you have an error message? 
    The error message usually indicates the problem encountered 

  • Is the image already on your Artmajeur account? 
    It is not possible to load the same image multiple times on Artmajeur 

  • Is the size of the image too big? 
    You can technically load images up to 25MB, but images up to a few MB can take several minutes before being loaded at 100%: you should not change pages, or do anything else before the image is fully loaded! 

  • Is your internet network connection stable? 
    When loading images, it is necessary to have a good internet connection, or mobile, especially if you load large files. 

  • Is your browser correctly set? 
    Some options in your browser may prevent the loading of images, including the strict management of cookies.

 How to identify and solve potential problems?
  1. Check all the points above
  2. Log out, clear your browser cache, sign in and try again
  3. Try from another browser
  4. Try from another computer or from another phone
  5. Try to upload a smaller image (eg 1MB maximum)
  6. Wait a few hours and try again
If after all these steps, you still can not load images, you can send us the image file by email, as well as all the details about your equipment, browser etc ... so that we can study more.

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