How does the sale of works work on Artmajeur?

How does the online sales process work?

Artmajeur offers you all the essential tools to promote your works online, guarantee secure sales and reach an international audience of collectors. Benefit from tracked delivery, legal invoicing, and build customer loyalty with ease and security.


How does the customer pay?
The customer pays Artmajeur by credit card with 3Dsecure, or with another secure payment method (Artmajeur offers many payment methods, depending on the customer's country).

How is the seller paid?
The seller is paid by bank transfer, Paypal, or other payment methods available in his country. Payment to sellers is made after the legal withdrawal period has expired, i.e. 15 days after delivery.

Who sets the prices? Are prices firm or negotiable?
Prices are established by the seller (NB: the public price also includes the cost of delivery which is calculated by Artmajeur based on the customer's country, and added to the sale price). The seller can indicate that the price is negotiable if he agrees to receive offers from customers.

How much is the sales commission?
Artmajeur offers one of the lowest sales commissions on the market. The amount of the commission depends on the type of account and the member level. The different sales commissions are detailed on the Artmajeur services page. You can see your sales commission level on the home page of your Artmajeur account.


Can I see the customer's contact details?
Yes, if the customer places an order, you will have all their contact details. When it is just a price request, we only have the customer's country.

Who is responsible for packaging the work?
Packaging is the exclusive responsibility of the seller: the seller must protect the work so that it resists the hazards of transport. If the work arrives damaged because it was not sufficiently protected, the insurance will refuse to cover the damage. The cost of packaging can be significant, it must be included in the price of the work.

How is the package sent?
You can manage the delivery yourself, or let Artmajeur manage the delivery. In this case, you package the work and the DHL delivery person picks it up from your home. Delivery by Artmajeur is tracked and insured. Packaging remains the responsibility of the seller.

Does Artmajeur provide a certificate of authenticity?
Yes, the certificate of authenticity with online tracking is provided free of charge by Artmajeur. It must be printed and attached to the package with the work sold. This is a certificate of authenticity with online tracking by QRcode.

Are there any export documents to prepare?
In countries where an export certificate for cultural goods is requested (Italy, Russia, Brazil, etc.), you must take steps with the local authorities to obtain the certificate, in order to provide it to the carrier. These steps must generally be carried out by the seller directly: therefore find out in advance how to prepare the documents in the event of an international sale.

Who pays customs duties?
In case of export, customs duties are calculated by local customs to be paid by the customer upon receipt.


How do I respond to a price request or a purchase offer?
The offers received appear in the section: MY ACCOUNT > MESSAGES > SALES. Respond to requests on this section. The customer will receive your offer and can pay directly. You can also make new offers to customers.

What should I do if a customer buys or makes an offer on a work that is no longer available?
If the work is sold, or not available, indicate it on the interface, the customer will be informed and will be able to consult your other works. Make sure your sold works are updated on your gallery so that the promotion focuses on your available works! It only takes a minute in the section: "MY ACCOUNT > WORKS > MULTI-EDIT".

The sales process, step by step:

1 The buyer pays Artmajeur

All pre-sales are handled by Artmajeur (customer negotiation, payment, invoicing).

Important: Artmajeur will only send you orders confirmed by approved customers.

2 The seller ships the artwork

  • Confirmation of the order
    - Check the order details and validate the sale.
  • Certificate of authenticity
    - Use the download link provided to print and sign your Certificate of Authenticity.
  • Packaging
    - Pack your works safely
    - Include the certificate of authenticity inside the package.
  • Package dimensions
    Measure the dimensions and weight of your package, and record them on your order.
  • Commercial invoice
    - Use the download link provided to print your commercial invoice
    - Stick the invoice on the outside of the package. Only for international transactions.
  • Tracking number
    - Take the package to your carrier and ship it to the address provided.
    - Enter the tracking number on your order.

3 Artmajeur pays the seller

The buyer has 14 days to return their purchase. You will be paid 15 days after delivery

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