art leasing : 2 Articles

Read 2 exclusive articles related to "art leasing" on Artmajeur magazine

With Artmajeur Leasing, 100% tax exemption on all your art purchases

Leasing • 1 minutes read
Discover the Artmajeur Leasing offer for your purchases of works of art: Competitive, Available everywhere, optimized in tax terms, it allows you to build up capital while transforming your premises and enhancing the image of your company

20 questions/answers about buying art through leasing

Art News • 14 minutes read
Purchasing art through leasing is enjoying growing success, offering a clever alternative for acquiring works of art without the obligation of a large initial investment. In this article we clarify the particularities of leasing, its advantages and practical implications for artists and buyers, with all the most frequently asked questions: an essential guide for those interested in this innovative method of art acquisition!


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