Oceanic treasures—mixed media on canvas (2024) 绘画 由 Dr. Priyanjalee Banerjee

丙烯在帆布上, 12x18 in
US$398.68   US$337.57
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发货地: 印度 (信封) 在2天
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最大分辨率: 5220 x 3479 px

Dr. Priyanjalee Banerjee 出售

Immerse yourself in a breathtaking underwater world through this mesmerizing coral reef painting. It brings the vibrant beauty of the ocean to life, with a striking 3D texture that replicates the intricate fan corals found in these ecosystems. Enjoy the serene atmosphere of the underwater world, featuring graceful butterfly fish that glide effortlessly[...]
Immerse yourself in a breathtaking underwater world through this mesmerizing coral reef painting. It brings the vibrant beauty of the ocean to life, with a striking 3D texture that replicates the intricate fan corals found in these ecosystems. Enjoy the serene atmosphere of the underwater world, featuring graceful butterfly fish that glide effortlessly among the corals. The pièce de résistance is the school of fish, meticulously painted as they navigate their way home, showcasing the intricate patterns and movements of these aquatic creatures. This painting not only provide visual delight but also raise awareness about the importance of preserving the delicate balance of our oceans and the diverse life forms that inhabit them. Let’s come forward and preserve our oceanic treasures.😊



Here meet Dr. Priyanjalee Banerjee, a neurobiologist and an assistant professor by profession whose passion for painting has been deeply rooted in her since childhood. Her story tells us an inspiring tale of[...]

Here meet Dr. Priyanjalee Banerjee, a neurobiologist and an assistant professor by profession whose passion for painting has been deeply rooted in her since childhood. Her story tells us an inspiring tale of self-discovery and the pursuit of artistic expression. Born with a natural affinity for the arts, she was mesmerized by the beauty of nature, particularly the intricate details of birds and the serene allure of the sea world. With no formal training, she has managed to create a unique style that captures the essence of nature's majesty, transitioning from the world of genetics to the realm of artistic bliss.Born and brought up in Kolkata, she discovered her love for art at a very young age. Growing up, being a zoologist, she spent most of her time exploring the intricate patterns and colors of the vibrant animal world. These experiences left a profound impact on her artistic sensibilities, shaping her unique perspective on the world around her.
Despite her successful career in academics, her love for painting never waned. In fact, it continued to grow stronger, becoming an essential part of her life. As she delved deeper into the world of art, she began to realize that her true passion lay in capturing the beauty of nature through her paintings.This realization marked a significant turning point in her life, as she decided to transition from the world of hard-core reality in genetics to the magical world of natural bliss. She embarked on a self-taught journey, exploring various mediums and techniques to refine her skills and develop her unique style.She primarily works with acrylic paints on canvas, a medium that allows her to express the vibrancy and depth of nature's beauty. She is particularly drawn to the fluidity and versatility of acrylics, which enable her to create rich textures and intricate details in her paintings.Her artistic style is characterized by a harmonious blend of realism and impressionism, with a strong emphasis on capturing the essence of her subjects. Hope you will also enjoy this journey into the magical world of natural bliss along with her.

查看更多的Dr. Priyanjalee Banerjee

雕塑 - 树脂 | 13x17 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 8x10 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 12x12 in
雕塑 - 石膏 | 10x8 in

