The Transfiguration (2023) 印花与版画 由 Chris Brazelton


Chris Brazelton 出售



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Chris Brazelton 出售



最大分辨率: 8815 x 6640 px

Chris Brazelton 出售

Introducing "The Transfiguration," a breathtaking painting that seeks to capture the divine and miraculous moment when Jesus was glorified in the presence of Moses and Elijah. Drawing inspiration from the sacred narrative in Matthew 17, this piece is more than a painting; it's a vivid celebration of faith, a testament to the glory of[...]
Introducing "The Transfiguration," a breathtaking painting that seeks to capture the divine and miraculous moment when Jesus was glorified in the presence of Moses and Elijah. Drawing inspiration from the sacred narrative in Matthew 17, this piece is more than a painting; it's a vivid celebration of faith, a testament to the glory of Christ, and a visual reflection on one of Christianity's most profound mysteries.

In this awe-inspiring scene, I've sought to depict Jesus in radiant glory, His face shining like the sun, His garments white as light. Flanking Him are the figures of Moses and Elijah, representatives of the Law and the Prophets, bearing witness to this extraordinary event. The composition is alive with a celestial glow, a divine luminescence that transcends earthly understanding.

"The Transfiguration" invites you to delve into the mystery of Christ's divine nature, to ponder the connections between the Old and New Testaments, and to immerse yourself in a moment of spiritual revelation. It's a painting that inspires awe and contemplation, resonating with both the historical significance and the eternal truths of the event it represents.

I invite you to make "The Transfiguration" a part of your collection, to let it inspire your faith, enrich your spiritual journey, and serve as a constant reminder of the glory and majesty of Christ.

And don't forget to explore the rest of my collection, where each painting is a thoughtful meditation on Biblical themes, each piece a visual sermon that speaks to the heart and soul. With several works available, you'll find art that resonates with your faith and elevates your spiritual connection.

Let "The Transfiguration" be a source of inspiration, a beacon of faith, and a glorious reflection of the divine in your life.



Passionate about bridging the worlds of faith and artistry, Chris crafts visually striking pieces designed to inspire the soul as much as they please the eye. Operating at the intersection of digital, acrylic,[...]

Passionate about bridging the worlds of faith and artistry, Chris crafts visually striking pieces designed to inspire the soul as much as they please the eye. Operating at the intersection of digital, acrylic, oil, and charcoal mediums, Chris creates a multifaceted canvas for exploring timeless biblical truths and sharing the transformative message of the Gospel.

For Chris, each artwork serves as a spiritual journey—an opportunity to meditate on Scripture and express its profound teachings in a form that speaks to believers and seekers alike. Whether it's a digital painting that captures the luminous grace of Christ or an oil-on-canvas that dives into the raw emotional essence of biblical narratives, the intention is always the same: to engage viewers in a meaningful, spiritual dialogue.

But the work is more than just skilled artistry; it's a calling. It's about channeling God-given talent into works that uplift, inspire, and bring viewers closer to the Creator. In every stroke and pixel, you'll find an invitation—a summons to dig deeper into the Word, to reflect on the eternal, and to find solace in the divine.

Experience the world through the eyes of an artist committed not just to aesthetic excellence but to sharing the gospel of Jesus. Explore the collection and allow the pieces to speak to you, as they have already spoken to countless hearts.

查看更多的Chris Brazelton

印花与版画在纸上 | 48x32 in
打印 US$28.89
印花与版画在纸上 | 32x32 in
打印 US$28.89
印花与版画在纸上 | 32x32 in
打印 US$28.89
印花与版画在纸上 | 8x8 in
打印 US$28.89

