Duality (2024) Картина - Anzhella Shmidtkhen

Масло на Льняной холст, 23,6x23,6 in
2 058 $
Цена: Бесплатная доставка
Продано по Anzhella Shmidtkhen
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33,00 $
130,00 $
271,00 $
Максимальное разрешение: 2777 x 2806 px
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Продано по Anzhella Shmidtkhen

уникальный экземпляр
Работа за подписью художника
Сертификат подлинности включен
Готов повесить
Установлен на Деревянная рама для носилок
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Масло на Льняной холст
  • Размеры Высота 23,6in, Ширина 23,6in
  • Состояние картины Работа в очень хорошем состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 5 000 $ Символизм Красочный
ЭIn this duality, painted in oil, the image highlights two faces, each with a different expression suggesting contrast emotions or perspectives.... this duality can be interpreted in different ways: the duality of the human mind, the duality of relationships or even duality in decision making... diamonds decorating the image,
ЭIn this duality, painted in oil, the image highlights
two faces, each with a different expression suggesting contrast
emotions or perspectives.... this duality can be interpreted in different ways:
the duality of the human mind, the duality of relationships or even
duality in decision making... diamonds decorating the image,
reminiscent of harlequin diamonds, give the composition an element of mystery and
theatricality... rhombuses in the artistic tradition often symbolize
duality and balance between opposite things... choice
the indeterminate artistic movement for this work is interesting,
because it allows viewers to interpret it in a personal and subjective way
way... artistic uncertainty encourages reflection and
exploring the many possible meanings it could have
image. ...ultimately, this work encourages us to explore
the duality and ambiguity of life and the human mind, as well as
question labels and categories in art
The space develops towards the viewer from a common assemblage point.
Последняя картина для выставки .
Двойственность .холст ,масло 60×60см,2024
Написал Стихотворение американец Frank Erramuzpe на моё произведение.,с моего разрешения.

“ sketch of harmony “

under the brim of
slip into forever timeless
the open eye of portrayal
within the greeting
of creativity awaits

in somber shadowed dreams
they arrive in one
each layer mirage like
below the surface’s fiction
blue depth of distant horizon
below infinite freedom within
the ocean of subconscious
undiscovered realm to guide

somewhere I went
to tell me
in the light to be
will I remember which direction
the beauty where I sailed
to go in search again these colors

the magic hull of portage afloat
without a compass’s
golden frame
now of fractured glass
spilled it’s liquid
to meld with the sea
to only carry on I could
in search amidst open eye within
to guide of distant shore’s

the bubble of surrender
to a lifting tide
carried me out to sea
where so eager the journey
the other side of shore
no look over the shoulder

where all I held was true
beneath un-rippled surface
until the breath of reality
floated with me
beside jaded sunset’s glow
so in story I must tell

crystal plane of thought
unlike a logic
of only one direction
rambles a fabled destiny
of abstractness
where gone is the rudder
with billowed sails as they wish
to carry me below the surface
with one eye closed

I read the wind
in colored sails
they tell me more
than plain the canvas
without a billowed breeze
so easy I see from far away
when all in beginning
begins the sketch of harmony
oh what a beautiful journey
it must be
so I choose
and so too it carries me on

Author of words - Frank Erramuzpe
Poem “ sketch of harmony “
Painting by Artist Anzhella Shmidtkhen
Facebook at Shmidtkhen Anzhella
Instagram at shmidtkhen_art
Painting titled “Duality”

Связанные темы

Two Female FacesDualitySymbolisMosaicBright

Since childhood, I studied at an art studio, then at an art school, and then graduated from the University and received the specialty of an architect Master.  Independent experts say that I have my own style.[...]

Since childhood, I studied at an art studio, then at an art school, and then graduated from the University and received the specialty of an architect Master.  Independent experts say that I have my own style.  My works are sometimes mystical and enigmatic, sometimes decorative.  In my work I use linseed oil, natural oil paints, canvas on a stretcher and cardboard.  I sometimes like to process my work like photos on a computer and look for interesting ideas.  In my works I look for eternal questions and try to answer them.  I want to show the beauty of the world around me and express emotions as a result of observation, all of which would not affect my opinion of the simplest things, cats and higher intelligence as a result.  The direction of my painting I would define as esoteric expressionism. I worked full time as an architect.  But after the death of my mother, I decided to devote myself entirely to painting.  In 2017, I presented my work to the Council of the Creative Union of UNESCO Artists, to which I was accepte. 

Depuis l'enfance, j'ai étudié dans un studio d'art, puis dans une école d'art, puis j'ai obtenu mon diplôme universitaire et j'ai reçu la spécialité d'un maître d'architecte.  Des experts indépendants disent que j'ai mon propre style.  Mes œuvres sont tantôt mystiques et énigmatiques, tantôt décoratives.  Dans mon travail, j'utilise de l'huile de lin, des peintures à l'huile naturelles, de la toile sur châssis et du carton.  J'aime parfois traiter mon travail comme des photos sur un ordinateur et chercher des idées intéressantes.  Dans mes œuvres, je cherche des questions éternelles et j'essaie d'y répondre.  Je veux montrer la beauté du monde qui m'entoure et exprimer des émotions à la suite de l'observation, tout cela n'affecterait pas mon opinion sur les choses les plus simples, les chats et l'intelligence supérieure en conséquence.  La direction de ma peinture que je définirais comme expressionnisme ésotérique.  J'ai travaillé à plein temps comme architecte.  Mais après la mort de ma mère, j'ai décidé de me consacrer entièrement à la peinture.  En 2017, j'ai présenté mon travail au Conseil de l'Union Créative des Artistes de l'UNESCO, auquel j'ai été accepté.

Смотреть ещё Anzhella Shmidtkhen

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Масло на Холст | 19,7x23,6 in
1 058 $
Масло на Холст | 15,8x23,6 in
1 508 $
Масло на Холст | 19,7x23,6 in
1 808 $
Масло на Льняной холст | 19,7x27,6 in
1 508 $


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