I WILL NOT GIVE TO ANYONE - golden man painting (2022) 绘画 由 Anna Bondar


Anna Bondar 出售



最大分辨率: 3556 x 2861 px

Anna Bondar 出售

This is one of the works that was painted after the evacuation from Kyiv and reflects on the state of war in Ukraine. Many of us, Ukrainians, physically suffered great losses. But no one stopped taking care of the most important thing - their soul. The position in which this person is located symbolizes how he saves his energy, resisting external[...]
This is one of the works that was painted after the evacuation from Kyiv and reflects on the state of war in Ukraine.
Many of us, Ukrainians, physically suffered great losses. But no one stopped taking care of the most important thing - their soul. The position in which this person is located symbolizes how he saves his energy, resisting external circumstances. He does not succumb to external provocations and remains a good person, thanks to his preservation of himself.


Man BodyGolden ManGray And Gold PaintingFellingsAfter War

Anna Bondar (artist name Anna DAR) is a contemporary Ukrainian artist working in mixed media. After the Russian invasion began in February 2022, she was evacuated to Marbella, Spain. The artist considers her[...]

Anna Bondar (artist name Anna DAR) is a contemporary Ukrainian artist working in mixed media. After the Russian invasion began in February 2022, she was evacuated to Marbella, Spain. The artist considers her works of art as a result of personal
feelings, emotional, spiritual, and aesthetic pleasure. Each of her paintings appears as a concentrate of personal philosophy, the
search for harmony, the meaning of life, and the beauty of nature. All works are connected with each other, because this is a life
path, woven bit by bit from large and small events.
After finishing her degree in interior design from the Art Institute of Art Modeling and Design “Salvador Dali” (Kyiv, Ukraine)
in 2014, she improved her skills under the mentorship of realist artist Vasyliy Borisenko.
Over time, Anna realized that realistic painting on canvas did not correspond to her ideas about contemporary art and started
experimenting with genres, techniques and materials, but more importantly, to work deeper with meanings. This contributed to
the emergence of a series of modern portraits and abstract landscapes.
Horses and equestrian sport occupy a significant place in Anna's life. As a professional rider, she travels to the countryside for
everyday trainings, which allows her to observe these amazing creatures all year round and portray them in her works. Due to the
war and moving to another country, Anna had to give up her favorite business and leave a big and bloody piece of her heart in
her homeland. This separation strengthened the reflection on grief in his native country and this led to a new turn in art.
Since 2018, Anna Bondar has been participating in regional and national exhibitions of contemporary art in Ukraine and USA.
Since 2021 Anna Bondar is a member of the Union of Young Artists of Ukraine.
Anna Bondars` works are stored in private collections: Ukraine, Russia, England, Hungary, Ireland, and the USA.

查看更多的Anna Bondar

油在帆布上 | 18.1x22.1 in
油在帆布上 | 35.4x51.2 in
油在亚麻帆布上 | 21.7x18.1 in
油在帆布上 | 7.9x7.9 in

