The guest (2024) 绘画 由 Amirata Winter


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卖家 Amirata Winter

In my painting titled "The Guest," I've created a captivating scene that invites viewers into a world where unexpected encounters unfold. At the heart of the composition stands a regal leopard, its sleek form exuding an air of quiet power and grace. With piercing eyes that seem to hold a hidden wisdom, the leopard commands attention[...]
In my painting titled "The Guest," I've created a captivating scene that invites viewers into a world where unexpected encounters unfold. At the heart of the composition stands a regal leopard, its sleek form exuding an air of quiet power and grace. With piercing eyes that seem to hold a hidden wisdom, the leopard commands attention as the honored guest in this tableau.Surrounding the leopard are elements of a traditional still life, including Dutch ceramics meticulously arranged to create a sense of timeless elegance. Each ceramic piece tells its own story, adorned with intricate patterns and rich hues that add depth and texture to the scene. Despite their stationary nature, the ceramics seem to come alive in the presence of the majestic feline, as if they too are captivated by its presence.The background, painted in subtle shades of warm earth tones, provides a serene backdrop for the main subjects, allowing them to take center stage. Through careful layering of acrylic and oil paints, I've sought to capture the interplay of light and shadow, creating a sense of depth and dimension that draws viewers into the painting's world.In "The Guest," I aim to evoke a sense of curiosity and wonder, inviting viewers to contemplate the mysteries of nature and the unexpected beauty found in the most unlikely of encounters. It's a celebration of the magic that occurs when worlds collide, leaving an indelible mark on those who are fortunate enough to witness it.


AnimalLeopardStill LifeDutch CeramicsBlue

阿米拉塔·温特 (Amirata Winter) 1981 年出生于伊朗德黑兰,但他在意大利长大,他对艺术根深蒂固的热爱正是在那里开始形成的。作为一位艺术家,阿米拉塔在大自然中找到了无限的灵感,并从他一生中遇到的多元文化中找到了万花筒般的记忆,阿米拉塔的艺术世界之旅是一个关于奉献和激情的迷人故事。 他在艺术领域的教育之旅始于获得[...]

阿米拉塔·温特 (Amirata Winter) 1981 年出生于伊朗德黑兰,但他在意大利长大,他对艺术根深蒂固的热爱正是在那里开始形成的。作为一位艺术家,阿米拉塔在大自然中找到了无限的灵感,并从他一生中遇到的多元文化中找到了万花筒般的记忆,阿米拉塔的艺术世界之旅是一个关于奉献和激情的迷人故事。

他在艺术领域的教育之旅始于获得 CCAD 艺术与设计学位,在那里他首先磨练了自己的艺术天赋。然而,正是他在佩鲁贾 UNIPG 攻读艺术史专业,真正提高了他的技能并塑造了他独特的艺术风格。


除了艺术追求之外,NID(Nuovo Istituto Design)的设计教学在 Amirata 心中也占有特殊的地位。他对分享知识和点燃下一代艺术家和设计师的创意火焰的热情是显而易见的。见证他的学生不断发展和发展他们独特的艺术风格对他来说是巨大的满足感的源泉。

阿米拉塔目前居住在瑞士,继续突破艺术可能性的界限。无论他是专注于绘画创作还是雕塑制作,他都坚定不移地致力于将自己独特的视角和丰富的生活经历融入到每件作品中。对于 Amirata 来说,艺术超越了单纯的视觉表现;它是一面镜子,反映了人类灵魂的深刻深度和美丽。

查看更多的Amirata Winter

丙烯在帆布上 | 19.7x19.7 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 11.8x11.8 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 11.8x11.8 in
丙烯在纸上 | 19.7x19.7 in

