Gravadores contemporâneos

2992 Gravadores e artistas que trabalham com gravura, conheça os melhores artistas contemporâneos de todo o mundo. Seleção:[...]

2992 Gravadores e artistas que trabalham com gravura, conheça os melhores artistas contemporâneos de todo o mundo. Seleção: Impressões e gravuras

Find the best contemporary printmakers on Artmajeur

At Artmajeur, we are dedicated to bridging the gap between talented contemporary artists and discerning art enthusiasts. We understand the special allure that original printmakings hold for many art lovers and we’ve curated an exceptional collection of these pieces that offer unique insights into the contemporary printmaking scene.

Printmaking, as an art form, involves creating artwork by printing, traditionally on paper. On Artmajeur, you’ll find a vast array of printmaking techniques represented. This includes intaglio techniques like etching and engraving, which involve incising into a surface, and the ink being held in the incisions. Relief printmaking, such as woodcuts or linocuts, where the non-printing parts are removed from the surface, are also featured prominently. Moreover, lithography, a method based on the immiscibility of oil and water, offers another rich vein of artworks to explore. And let’s not forget screen printing, a technique that’s come to be associated with the vibrant, pop-art aesthetic, and the more experimental digital printmaking, both adding a modern edge to the collection.

The beauty of exploring printmaking on Artmajeur is the sheer breadth and depth of the collection. This is the place to discover artworks that are not just reproductions, but original printmakings, each carrying the artist’s personal touch and creativity. In addition, the platform is designed to offer an immersive and user-friendly experience, allowing you to explore and discover artworks according to your preferences.

You can search by technique, theme, size, and even color. Our platform also provides detailed information about each artwork, giving you insight into the process and inspiration behind the piece. We firmly believe that understanding the artistic process can enrich your appreciation of the artwork itself.

Whether you’re an experienced collector, or just starting your journey into the world of original printmaking, we at Artmajeur invite you to delve into our stunning collection, and discover the remarkable works of contemporary printmakers from around the world.

Desenho,  26,4x31,5 in
Portrait Gérard DEPARDIEU Desenho, 26,4x31,5 in
©1986 Andy Warhol Artista representado por Artmajeur

What is a contemporary printmaker?

In the rich tapestry of the art world, contemporary printmakers hold a distinctive and intriguing position. They are alchemists of imagery, forging captivating pieces through a harmonious blend of age-old techniques and innovative digital processes. The contemporary printmaker, from the Artmajeur’s perspective, is a bridge between the time-honored tradition of printmaking and the modern era’s demands for newness and constant evolution.

A contemporary printmaker embodies a perpetual spirit of experimentation. While traditional methods like etching, lithography, woodcut, and silkscreen persist, they are constantly being adapted and redefined by today’s artists. The advancements in digital printing technologies have added another layer of complexity and possibility to their work. The contemporary printmaker now stands at a fascinating intersection where traditional craftsmanship meets digital innovation.

From this standpoint, the works of these artists often reflect a thoughtful dialog between the past and the present. They weave in historical narratives or pay homage to classical styles while still addressing contemporary issues or incorporating modern aesthetics. This striking balance of old and new gives their work an undeniable depth and resonance.

Yet, it’s not just about balancing tradition and innovation. Contemporary printmakers also explore themes that resonate in our society today - from questioning identity and challenging societal norms to investigating the impact of technology on human relations. They use the printmaking medium as a powerful tool for social and political commentary.

Furthermore, the multiplicity inherent in printmaking— the ability to create more than one ’original’— challenges the conventional notions of art’s exclusivity. It is, in fact, a democratic art form. This in no way dilutes the value or originality of their work but rather enhances accessibility, allowing a wider audience to appreciate, interact with, and own original art.

At Artmajeur, we cherish the role of contemporary printmakers in continually pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. Their blend of tradition and innovation breathes new life into the printmaking medium, making it an essential part of the diverse artistic landscape we celebrate on our platform.

Impressões e gravuras,  24x18,1 in
Keep it underground Impressões e gravuras, 24x18,1 in
©2015 Shepard Fairey (Obey) Artista representado por Artmajeur

How to invest in works by contemporary printmakers?

At Artmajeur, we provide the exciting opportunity for you to explore and invest in a stunning collection of original drawings by contemporary printmakers from around the globe. Art investment is not merely a financial venture; it is also a journey of personal and cultural discovery. By investing in these unique works, you’re not just acquiring a piece of art but becoming part of the narrative of a living artist, supporting their creativity and contributing to the vibrant world of contemporary art.

Printmaking, despite its rich historical roots, has been invigorated by today’s artists, integrating traditional techniques with contemporary themes and innovative approaches. Our platform is home to an extensive range of genres, from abstract, figurative, to landscape and conceptual prints. Each drawing has its own unique aesthetic, enriched by the artist’s personal vision and interpretation. 

Investing in contemporary printmaking can offer both tangible and intangible benefits. From a financial perspective, drawings by emerging artists can be a prudent investment. The initial purchase price may be relatively modest, yet their value can appreciate significantly over time as the artist’s reputation grows. Moreover, each drawing is original, lending it an intrinsic value that reproductions can’t match. 

The intangible rewards of such an investment are perhaps even more profound. The sheer pleasure of living with original art, the deep connection it can foster, and the conversation it sparks make investing in these works incredibly worthwhile. Each piece tells a story, and by investing, you become a part of that narrative.

Artmajeur is here to guide you through the exciting world of contemporary printmaking. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a novice art lover, we are committed to making the process of discovery, evaluation, and purchase as smooth and enriching as possible. We offer detailed descriptions and images for each work, allowing you to make informed decisions. 

Remember, investing in drawings by contemporary printmakers isn’t just about the potential for financial gain. It’s about supporting artists, engaging with the art community, and above all, bringing beauty, thought, and inspiration into your life. At Artmajeur, we believe in the power of art to enrich lives, and we invite you to be part of this exciting journey!

Impressões e gravuras
basquiat_1 Impressões e gravuras
©2024 Jean Michel Basquiat Artista representado por Artmajeur

Who are the most famous printmakers?

Here is a list of 10 significant contemporary printmakers who have made substantial contributions to the art world:

  1. Kiki Smith - Known for her sculptural work, she also creates beautiful and thoughtful prints often dealing with the human condition, particularly in relation to the female body.

  2. Grayson Perry - This Turner Prize-winning British artist is known for his ceramics and tapestries, but he also creates intricate etchings.

  3. Julie Mehretu - An American contemporary visual artist known for her large-scale paintings and prints. She often uses layered drawings and etchings to create complex works.

  4. Richard Serra - Primarily known for his large-scale sculptures in steel, Serra also works in printmaking, extending his exploration of form and space into this medium.

  5. Kara Walker - Known for her room-size tableaux of black cut-paper silhouettes, Walker also works in printmaking, addressing race, gender, sexuality, and identity in her work.

  6. William Kentridge - This South African artist is best known for his animated films, but his printmaking work is also remarkable. His prints often share themes with his films, dealing with social injustices and the lingering effects of colonialism and apartheid.

  7. Anish Kapoor - Famous for his sculptures, Kapoor is also a printmaker. His etchings and aquatints often echo the themes found in his large-scale works.

  8. Takashi Murakami - A prolific contemporary Japanese artist, Murakami works in both fine arts media, such as painting and sculpture, as well as commercial media including fashion and animation. His prints often incorporate motifs from Japanese traditional art and pop culture.

  9. David Hockney - While known for his painting, David Hockney is also a master printmaker. He has used etching, lithography, and even newer technologies like iPad drawings to create prints.

  10. Tracey Emin - A member of the Young British Artists group, Tracey Emin is known for her autobiographical and confessional work. She often uses printmaking to explore these themes, with monoprinting being one of her favored techniques.

These artists are very well known but you can find on Artmajeur a large number of equally talented artists whose notoriety will increase in the future!

Impressões e gravuras,  30,3x70,5 in
Black Symphony XXL Impressões e gravuras, 30,3x70,5 in
©2001 Roger Selden Artista representado por Studio Fornaresio


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