beijing Art gallery 个人资料图片

beijing Art gallery

26 位艺术家

The Beijing Museum of Art and Design began more than 20 years ago, and we opened the museum in Beijing in 1998. It is an art collective composed of contemporary artists and designers. It is a professional museum integrating collection, exhibition, publishing and research. It is dedicated to discovering and uniting talents from the East and West of the world. We represent works of art created by artists from diverse cultural backgrounds who use different techniques to reach our emotional interests and provide aesthetic pleasure to connoisseurs. We are proud to organize numerous exhibitions and competitions. The content of the Beijing Art and Design Museum includes posters, paintings, product design, advertising, photography, etc., comprehensively promoting industry exchanges and releasing the latest information. Today, with the booming development of the Internet, we use ARTMAJEUR, a convenient platform, to establish the Beijing Art Museum to unite more artists to communicate and learn from each other, promote their respective artistic development, and prosper Chinese and Western cultural and artistic undertakings.

艺术画廊 (美国) 加入会员自2024, beijing Art gallery展示了由当代最佳艺术家出售的独家艺术品。 发现由beijing Art gallery主持的当代艺术家,浏览艺术品并在线购买。 艺术家提出: 26 美国当代艺术家. Artmajeur美术馆

营业时间, 编辑线, 艺术家申请:



Manager: Annie

由beijing Art gallery呈现的艺术家

Anton Terziev
Anton Terziev
保加利亚 • 131艺术品

Harold Vernhes
Harold Vernhes
法国 • 54艺术品

Zhao Yongchang
Zhao Yongchang
中国 • 44艺术品

Anton Vishnevsky (A. Vish)
Anton Vishnevsky (A. Vish)
乌克兰 • 52艺术品

Eric Bourdon
Eric Bourdon
法国 • 54艺术品

比利时 • 98艺术品

Татьяна Рыкова (Rosa)
Татьяна Рыкова (Rosa)
黑山 • 70艺术品

Jean-Noël Le Junter
Jean-Noël Le Junter
法国 • 681艺术品

Anna Werth
Anna Werth
土耳其 • 74艺术品

法国 • 44艺术品

Anastasiia Alekhina
Anastasiia Alekhina
乌克兰 • 16艺术品

José Garcia (GARBEL)
José Garcia (GARBEL)
法国 • 227艺术品

Christa Riemann
Christa Riemann
德国 • 113艺术品

Konstantinos Efimidis
Konstantinos Efimidis
希腊 • 89艺术品

Salih Demirci
Salih Demirci
土耳其 • 58艺术品

Bertrand Jost
Bertrand Jost
法国 • 358艺术品

Christa Kloß
Christa Kloß
德国 • 533艺术品

Jm Guenard
Jm Guenard
法国 • 106艺术品

Екатерина Бесполова
Екатерина Бесполова
白俄罗斯 • 40艺术品

美国 • 484艺术品

瑞士 • 19艺术品

Abdoulie Conteh
Abdoulie Conteh
塞内加尔 • 36艺术品

Alex Henk
Alex Henk
乌克兰 • 89艺术品

Nacir Imache
Nacir Imache
意大利 • 27艺术品

Yuehua He
Yuehua He
美国 • 31艺术品

Tina Liao
Tina Liao
美国 • 22艺术品

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