Searching A Dream 寻梦 (2013) 印花与版画 由 Mingyue Wang 王明月


卖家 998Arts

王明月,1962年出生于北京,新古典主义旧式仕女油画家。他是大型油画《菩提树下的法学家》的原创者、超现实主义创始人、英国前首相希斯的首席画家、美国肖像艺术家协会会员、美国肖像画家协会副主席。国际书画联盟、泰中文化艺术交流协会副会长。 代表作品:古装仕女油画《梦花魂》系列: 王明月新古典仕女画:寻梦 《追梦》画中,一位身着古典服饰的女子坐在桌前的圆凳上,一手持扇,一腿搭腿,低着头,靠在桌边。扇子的色调优雅,却又不失华丽,尤其是女子的衣着头饰,用最精细的手法描绘,很多传统人物的细节,都带有中国传统的审美符号。女人的美是历经岁月的,有一种经得起时间推敲的魅力。画作不浮夸,没有绚丽的色彩堆砌,梦幻的笔触,却有一种由内而外的哲理内敛,更有人文哲学的文化含金量。画中的亮点是那一双饱含深情又略带失落的眼睛,让人想起《牡丹亭》的画面:“爱情无名而深沉,生者可死,死者可生,梦里的爱情不一定是真的。








《追梦》画作中,桌案前,一身着古典装束的女子,坐于圆凳上,一手持团扇,一手握腿,头下倾,靠于团扇边缘,色调优雅,又不失瑰丽,尤其是女子的衣饰和头饰,用笔从容果断,着力,用最精密的手法,刻画传统人物群体的细节,均带有中国传统审美符号,画作里,活生地再现了中国女子那段经历多年的岁月的节目之美,并有经得起时间推敲的魅力。画作并不张扬,没有绚丽的色彩堆砌,和梦幻般的笔触,却有从里到外的一种哲理的内在装饰,蕴藏着更多的人文哲学的文化含金量。最大的亮点就是这双饱含深情,略带迷离的眼睛,让人不禁想起牡丹亭“情不知所起,一往而深,生者可以死,死可以生,梦中之情” ,何必非真”的那个画面。
Mingyue Wang , born in Beijing in 1962, is a neoclassical oil painter of old-fashioned ladies. He is the original creator of the large oil painting "The Jurist under the Bodhi Tree", the founder of Surrealism,[...]

Mingyue Wang , born in Beijing in 1962, is a neoclassical oil painter of old-fashioned ladies. He is the original creator of the large oil painting "The Jurist under the Bodhi Tree", the founder of Surrealism, the chief painter of the former British Prime Minister Heath, the member of the American Portrait Artists Association, the vice-chairman of the International Painting and Calligraphy Alliance, and the vice-chairman of the Thailand-China Culture and Art Exchange Association.

Mingyue Wang graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a research class in oil painting.Representative works: oil painting of ancient costume ladies "Dream Flower Soul" series.

Artistic assessment:

This is the most satisfying one I've had since my portrait. I have never known myself so truly, and Mr. Wang made me feel that every pore of my sweat is real!
--Edward Heath, former British Prime Minister

You're a Chinese soul artist and I've never observed myself so closely!--Prince Chulakon Chithya, Crown Prince of Thailand
I have an overwhelming excitement in front of your work, excitement even in every sweat pore.

--Tim Newton,  Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Salmagundi Club and Curator of American Masters.

The meaning of Wang Mingyue's work transcends not only the narrow space of the individual, but also the realm of the artistic field and enters a wider world. Wang Mingyue is a figurative portrait painter, however, his works have gone beyond the simple definition of portraiture, the artist uses the portrait as a creative tool, in other words, what he creates is no longer a personal portrait, but the form of personal portrait to find and express the pure essence of mankind and the world. Wang Mingyue's works use metaphorical and symbolic techniques to express his thoughts on life, so the picture is not the same as its implied direction, the artist is describing an apparent person in his works, however, this person, no matter how close to a real, complete person, in fact, is no longer the specific person.
--Wayne Swanson, director of the Vail Museum in Utah and internationally renowned art critic

查看更多的Mingyue Wang 王明月

印花与版画在纸上 | 70x37 in
印花与版画在纸上 | 29.5x28.7 in
印花与版画在亚麻帆布上 | 29.5x16.9 in
印花与版画在纸上 | 29.5x22.4 in

