nuvole.jpg 绘画 由 Milla

卖家 Milla

  • 原创艺术品 绘画, 水粉 在纸上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 9.8in, 宽度 12.6in
  • 分类 表现主义
gouache su carta 关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 水粉 用水稀释这些物质,并通过添加口香糖和蜂蜜使它们呈糊状和不透明。颜色变得不透明,因此可以叠加,从而形成一种带有水粉颜料的颜料和带有油的颜料。水粉因其明亮,新鲜和细腻的色调而被推荐。[...]
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Expressionist painter explores the materiality of the painting with the pigments of the oil colors, with the deep shades of the pastels, with the transparency of the watercolors, with the incisiveness of the[...]

Expressionist painter explores the materiality of the painting with the pigments of the oil colors, with the deep shades of the pastels, with the transparency of the watercolors, with the incisiveness of the designThe philosophy of his painting is the representation of ideas through images of tones of strong chromatic essentiality wrapped in a metaphysical universe unrelated to an explicit realism. They have the property of appearing "abstractly real". In its pictorial geography it recognizes the essential coordinates of an aesthetic expression, proposes the poetic affirmation of one's self as abandonment or as a power to give emotions the value of a perennial presence. His painting, while maintaining an introspective tension, welcomes the dialectic between the abstract and the figurative, the intersection between personal and symbolic narration, the representation of a moment in its infinite variety of expression, the participation of the inner "self" as a unique and unrepeatable act of the creative process.
Eclectic and versatile artist expresses his art and his style in fashion and design with the collections "The art of wearing art": materials, shapes, combinations of colors and shades create a sophisticated geometry that involves emotions from the combination of materials (fabric, metal, etc.) before being released in terms of visual, tactile and aesthetic perception.


水彩 | 16.1x15.8 in
绘画 | 51.2x59.1 in
墨在纸上 | 9.8x8.3 in
| 15.4x10.6 in

