中国书法——顾绍骅创作破体书法•李白诗《月下独酌•四屏》calligraphy in China-attend to the 绍骅 creations to break the body callig (2008) 绘画 由 Shaohua Gu


卖家 Shaohua Gu



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  • 原创艺术品 绘画,
  • 外形尺寸 高度 13.4in, 宽度 53.5in
  • 分类 画作 低于US$1,000
中国书法——顾绍骅创作破体书法·李白诗《月下独酌·四屏》(中国当代具有较大影响的作品之一) calligraphy in China-attend to the 绍骅 creations to break the body calligraphy · LI3 BAI2 SHI 《the month descend to drink without company · four hold 》 (China contemporary have bigger influence of one of the work) 【作品释文】:花间一壶酒。独酌无相亲。举杯邀明月。对影成三人。月既不解饮。影徒随我身。 【The work release a text 】:HUA[...]
calligraphy in China-attend to the 绍骅 creations to break the body calligraphy · LI3 BAI2 SHI 《the month descend to drink without company · four hold 》 (China contemporary have bigger influence of one of the work)
【The work release a text 】:HUA JIAN YI pot wine.Drink without company to have no mutually close.Toast to invite bright moon.Become three people to the 影 .Month since not the solution drink.The 影徒 with my body.

Temporary companion month 影 .Play the beard and spring.My song the month go back and forth.My dance 影 is e to hand over 欢 together.Inebriate each dispersion of 後 .

The knot always is heartless to swim.Mutually the period 邈 Milky Way.
规格:136×34cm ×4条 纸本 2006年创作
Specification:136 the × 34 cm × 4 The paper origin 2006 creations

【I think to BE"break the body calligraphy" that have innovation 】

"Have in the world how much artist, there will be how much kind the sketch and color."-Be the 奥 thou 斯 especially?The 丹 (France) break to moderate of rules, in some on the other hand the long-handled sword 阔 ax ground investigate, also do not lose to a kind of book to learn of path.However, this is an insurance path, whether will fall to go into an evil way, the key lie in can the essence of[with] the confidence art, whether have strong art 功 bottom.This kind of break normal regulations is a kind of to inherit medium of break, although have an abnormality a rules, but don't lose it origin.ZHAO4 JI2's thin gold body work the whole carefree 雅 although outside the 露 physique, don't lose 腴 smooth,pretty strength;Although YANG2 WEI2 ZHEN go into a term unruly, oddness 100, walking gait from high, don't lose method;Although the gold winter heart use a pen a square flat, grasp 露 outside sex, the true rate is simple, don't lose thick thou of spirit.The 篆 of the 谦 of,belong to use a pen, "the paint book" of the gold agriculture.We want at to the calligraphy art deep foundation for comprehend up, at to tradition extensive foundation for inherit up, don't insight, seek quasi- break, gradually the time evolve a kind of and the ancients match equally of special style.

So-called"break" a word, there are two righteousnesses here also;It one 曰 :"Ground" also is"not integrity";Another a is also for the idea of"outrun".Namely, "break the body calligraphy" is the variety chirography is save in a calligraphy work together in of meaning."Break a body" is two words 《calligraphy small thesaurus 》 (thank 著s, such as virtuous 萍 ,SUN DUN XIU4 and YANG2 ZENG QUAN2...etc., from the publisher publication in Peking)the solution do:"1,be unsuited to aforetime positive body of'common form of character'or the sound righteousness homology constitute dissimilarity of difference body word etc.."2,the running script change a body.The Jin calligraphy machine house the change of WANG2 XIAN4 form of written, don't is new method, creation change the running script of the body, be called'break a body'.CHEN2 SI of Sung 《the book 苑 essence 》medium say:"The right soldier method in line, the small ream break a body, all at that time it is wonderful."

The cent of"break the body calligraphy" has the following three:Small break a body,big break a body,whole break a body.1,"small break a body" is three kinds of chirography in of"break the body calligraphy" work.(give person delightfully fresh and pretty of felling)】

I'm happy to thank you for your love and choose my Chinese calligraphy and painting, (my Chinese paintings with personal characteristics: focus on traditional Chinese culture - the "poetic"; is the perfect combination of tradition and modernity.)
Buy my art, the need to tell me your full address, and the cost of the purchase amount + $ 20 courier import my bank account: GU ShaoHua Bank Account: GU ShaoHua Commercial Bank of China Bank Account: 6222023202029561965
And inform QQ: 1072494751 or wait for confirmation, the first time express to you! Thank you!
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然后通知QQ:1072494751 或者等待确认后,第一时间快递给你!谢谢!
Selected Works of Chinese calligraphy "," Selected Works of Chinese Artists ", and the" People's Daily "issued by the overseas edition" Chinese Fine Artists "honor certificate,[...]

Selected Works of Chinese calligraphy "," Selected Works of Chinese Artists ", and the" People's Daily "issued by the overseas edition" Chinese Fine Artists "honor certificate, calligraphy and painting works, art history and so on PRC" Chinese Fine Artists "propaganda transmitted columns (

查看更多的Shaohua Gu

绘画 | 53.5x26.8 in
绘画 | 26.8x26.8 in
| 53.5x13.4 in
绘画 | 39.4x26.8 in

