Kronos Kairos Aion Snare (2021) Pittura da A Wibaa

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Venditore A Wibaa

Authentic work of the artist Wibaa. He began his artistic career by attending a course at the MoMA in New York. Published in various magazines, in 2021 he exhibited in London, Berlin, Milan Design Week, Rome Art Week, Puerto Rico, Atlanta. The works are exhibited in European and North American galleries and are part of private collections.
Authentic work of the artist Wibaa.
He began his artistic career by attending a course at the MoMA in New York.
Published in various magazines, in 2021 he exhibited in London, Berlin, Milan Design Week, Rome Art Week, Puerto Rico, Atlanta.
The works are exhibited in European and North American galleries and are part of private collections.

Medium: acrylic, enamel, chalk on canvas.
Kronos, relentless passing of time, represented by a straight line that intersects with Kairos, represented by circular, soft figures, indicative of one's life experiences, the right moment.
From this intersection emerges Aion, the time of Being, manifest in a bright green color, a symbol of life in the deepest and most significant sense.
Kronos, Kairos and Aion, the three times that in this canvas find their mutual interaction in a harmony of colors and geometries, thus symbolizing that existential journey that is proper to the Human Being.

Médium : acrylique, émail, craie sur toile.
Kronos, passage incessant du temps, représenté par une ligne droite qui se croise avec Kairos, représenté par des figures circulaires et douces, indicatives de ses expériences de vie, du bon moment.
De cette intersection émerge Aion, le temps de l'Être, manifesté dans une couleur vert vif, symbole de la vie au sens le plus profond et le plus significatif.
Kronos, Kairos et Aion, les trois temps qui dans cette toile trouvent leur interaction mutuelle dans une harmonie de couleurs et de géométries, symbolisant ainsi ce voyage existentiel propre à l'Être Humain.

Medium: acrilico, smalto, gesso su tela.
Kronos, inesorabile scorrere del tempo, rappresentato da una linea retta che si interseca con Kairos, rappresentato da figure circolari, morbide, indicative delle proprie esperienze di vita, del momento giusto.
Da questo incrocio emerge Aion, il tempo dell'Essere, manifestato in un colore verde brillante, simbolo della vita nel senso più profondo e significativo.
Kronos, Kairos e Aion, i tre tempi che in questa tela trovano la loro reciproca interazione in un'armonia di colori e geometrie, a simboleggiare così quel viaggio esistenziale che è proprio dell'Essere Umano.

abstrait académie accrochage Adagp adjugé anamorphose à-plat App apprêt aquarelle aquatinte artiste argentique attribué (à) authenticité auteur avant-garde ayant droit bankable baryté baroque bas-relief bauhaus brevet bruit brut (art) bistre calligraphie cartel catalogue Cfc chalcographie cimaise circa clair-obscur classique cliché-verre collective (oeuvre) composite (oeuvre) compression contemporain contrefaçon contretype copie copie privée cote curateur critique d’art crayon Conté dation depôt légal détrempe développement diasec dibond digigraphie diptyque dripping early print (photo) eau forte écoles enchères encollage entoilage épreuve d’artiste Diasec estampe esthétique estomper ex-libris fac-similé faux format folles enchères fondation fondu French touch fresque fusain événement genres genre (scène de) glacis gouache gothic gravure .graphite graffitisme grainhappening haut-relief imprimatur in-situ Inpi Interdeposit installation inkjet jet d’encre jurisprudence jpeg jpg kitsch lambda laque lap lavis leporello lettrage ligne claire linogravure lithographie logo lot (enchères) marché (premier, second...) marine maître maroufler mécènat Merz moderne modeste monochrome monotype motif mouvements multiple naïfs négatif (photo) newprint (photo) non-objectif numérique (art et photo) numérisation oeuvre offset original palette palimpseste parrainage parodie pastel pastiche Peintre-de-la-Marine peinture performance photo photo d’art pinacothèque pixel plexicollage pochade pochoir pompier post-graffitisme préemption premier marché primitivisme print proof (photo) ravalement RC ronde-bosse ready-made réalité augmentée reliefs (haut, bas) reproduction retable retirage rococo rush (vidéo) Sacem sanguine Scam sculpture second marché sellette sfumato shoot signature situ (in) sponsoring sténopé storyboard styles surimpression Svv tag taille douce texture tableau-sculpture tempera tirage (estampe) tirage (photo) tondo transversalité triptyque TVA unique (pièce) vanité vernissage vidéo vidéogramme vintage VJ (veejay) wall power writing xylographie .

Abstract Expressionism, Abstraction and abstract art, Acrylic, Aquatint, Art Glass, Assemblage, Bauhaus, Blocking in, Body Art, Canvas, Carving, Casting, Cityscape, Collage, Collagraphs, Collector, Composition, Conceptual art, Contemporary, Crypto Art, C-Type, Curator, Cyanotype, Décollage, Digital Art, Diptych, Drypoint, Editions, Emerging, Engraving, Established, Etching, Figurative, Fin de siècle, Focal Point, Foreground, Gallerist, Gelatin Silver Print, Geometric, Giclée, Glass Art, Gouache, Grafitti, Hard-edge painting, Hyper realism , Impasto, Ink, Installation art, Intaglio Process Prints, Juxtaposition, Kinetic Art, Kitsch, Lacquer, Lambda / Lightjet, Limited Edition, Linocut, Lithography, Mezzotint, Modeling, Modern print, Modernism and Modern Art, Monoprints and Monotypes, Montage, Naive Art, NFT, Oeuvre, Oil, Painting, Palette, Pallidium print, Papier Collé, Pastel, Photography, Photomontage, Platinum print, Polaroid, Pop Art, Post-Modernism, Printmaking, Quilling, Relief Printing, R-type, Salon Hang, Screenprinting / Serigraphy / Silkscreen printing, Sugar Lift, Tondo, Triptych, Umber, Vernissage, Video Art, Vintage print, Vitrine, Watercolour, Xerox Art, Yellowing, Zeitgeist
absorbing, abstract, acclaimed, accomplished, adroit, aesthetic, aesthetically pleasing, aggressive, appealing, artistic, astonishing, atmospheric, authentic, avant-garde, award-winning, awe-inspiring, balanced, baroque, beautiful, bold, boundless, brilliant, candid, ceramic, characteristic, classic, collectable, colorful, complementary, complex, conceptual, contemplative, contemporary, controversial, conversational, creative, daring, dazzling, decorative, deeply thoughtful, delicate, dense, detailed, infused, inspirational, inspired, instinctive, intellectual, intense, intensive, interesting, intuitive, inventive, labyrinthine, layered, lifelike, literal, luminous, lyrical, mature, meandering, mosaic-like, moving, mysterious, mystical, narrative, organic, original, paradoxical, passionate, peaceful, personal, phenomenal, pictorial, playful, potent, profound, provoking, pure, radiant, realistic, refined, refreshing, remarkable, resourceful, revealing, disciplined, disruptive, distinctive, distinguished, divine, dreamlike, dreamy, dynamic, eclectic, elevated, elevating, emergent, emerging, emotional, emotionally charged, enchanted, energetic, engaging, engrossing, enigmatic, epochal, ethereal, evocative, exceptional, exotic, explosive, expressive, extreme, fascinating, figural, figurative, fluid, freelance, fresh, gorgeous, graceful, granular, honest, human, hyper-creative, imaginative, impassioned, impeccable, romantic, saturated, sculptural, semi-abstract, sensual, serene, signature, simple, skilled, soft, sparse, spiritual, stimulating, stirring, studied, stunning, sublime, substantive, supple, surreal, symbolic, tactile, talented, tasteful, textile, thought-provoking, timeless, touching, traditional, tranquil, unconventional, unexpected, unforgettable, unique, universal, unpredictable, varied, visionary, visual, visually stimulating, voyeuristic

Inspired by
Georgia O’Keeffe
Brook Andrew
Damien Hirst
Wendy Red Star
Haegue Yang
andy warhol

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His creative process always stems from the desire to share his thought, his idea. Before approaching the canvas, A - Wibaa makes a long inner journey necessary to define his point of view in order to reach[...]

His creative process always stems from the desire to share his thought, his idea. Before approaching the canvas, A - Wibaa makes a long inner journey necessary to define his point of view in order to reach the public.

Then, he looks for colors, materials and style to transfer his emotions to the canvas and start a dialogue with contemporary society.

A - Wibaa is characterized in that each series of works is totally different from the others. He is one of the few living artists who focuses on his creative thinking and not on execution. In an unusual way, He links the latter only to the need to establish, with as few elements as possible, a lively conversation with the community.

The artist was born in Italy, Rome. He is self-taught and he approached painting by attending a course at MoMA in New York - In the Studio: Postwar Abstract Painting – He could learn about the materials, techniques, and approaches of seven New York School artists who made abstract paintings. The “New York School “including De Kooning, Newman, Pollock, Ad Reinhardt and Rothko. A - Wibaa began to understand what a studio means and how ideas develop by looking closely at the paintings.

A - Wibaa paints intuitively using a variety of tools such as brushes, spatulas, sponges, and even his hands. He prefers acrylic and oil colors, mixing them with various other liquids. He does not disdain enamels, sprays, sheaths and charcoals.

Son processus de création découle toujours du désir de partager sa pensée, son idée. Avant d'aborder la toile, A - Wibaa effectue un long voyage intérieur nécessaire pour définir son point de vue afin de toucher le public.
Ensuite, il recherche les couleurs, les matières et le style pour transférer ses émotions sur la toile et entamer un dialogue avec la société contemporaine.
Wibaa se caractérise par le fait que chaque série d'œuvres est totalement différente des autres. Il est l'un des rares artistes vivants qui se concentre sur sa pensée créative et non sur l'exécution. D'une manière inhabituelle, il lie ce dernier uniquement à la nécessité d'établir, avec le moins d'éléments possible, une conversation animée avec la communauté.
L'artiste est né en Italie, à Rome. Il est autodidacte et il s'est approché de la peinture en suivant un cours au MoMA de New York - In the Studio: Postwar Abstract Painting - Il a pu découvrir les matériaux, les techniques et les approches de sept artistes de la New York School qui ont réalisé des peintures abstraites. La « New York School » comprenant De Kooning, Newman, Pollock, Ad Reinhardt et Rothko. A - Wibaa a commencé à comprendre ce qu'est un atelier et comment les idées se développent en regardant attentivement les peintures.
A - Wibaa peint intuitivement en utilisant une variété d'outils tels que des pinceaux, des spatules, des éponges et même ses mains. Il préfère les couleurs acryliques et à l'huile, les mélangeant avec divers autres liquides. Il ne dédaigne pas les émaux, les sprays, les gaines et les fusains.

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