Sea Witch (2023) Pintura por Velta Emīlija Platupe

Aquarela em Papel, 44,9x122,1 in
US$ 1.964,53
Preço: Envio Grátis
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Esta impressão está disponível em vários tamanhos.

US$ 26,77
US$ 46,04
US$ 99,57
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Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendido por Velta Emīlija Platupe

Licenciamento digital

Esta imagem está disponível para download com uma licença

US$ 32,12
US$ 128,47
US$ 267,65
Resolução máxima: 3783 x 1356 px
Baixe imediatamente após a compra
Os artistas recebem seus royalties por cada venda

Vendido por Velta Emīlija Platupe

Trabalho único
Obra assinada pelo artista
Certificado de autenticidade incluído
The mystery and power of witches and other magical water creatures is timeless. Now is an auspicious time to be a witch in the sea, air and land. There are various witch clubs and societies, there is a renaissance of witches and they have a proud self-confidence. Everyone can also do witchcraft quietly in the comfort of a sea castle or a room. I[...]
The mystery and power of witches and other magical water creatures is timeless. Now is an auspicious time to be a witch in the sea, air and land. There are various witch clubs and societies, there is a renaissance of witches and they have a proud self-confidence. Everyone can also do witchcraft quietly in the comfort of a sea castle or a room.
I try to see the Sea Witch as a living and powerful archetype, the progenitor of all seas, the origin around which smaller water spirits and creatures of wonder revolve. I can also see poetess Aspasia, creative and powerful, gentle and graceful, as she lives in her poet's paradise even today. These images merged into one, and were joined by a third, the Sea Amazon, the mighty warrior, defender of the small and innocent, thus creating a trinity.
The Sea Witch is wise, old, omniscient like a natural element. We humans think about age as an obstacle. I was afraid that the old Sea Witch with one eye and wrinkles on her forehead might feel invisible and nostalgic for the days of her youth, so I painted her in the past, beautiful and desired by all the sea gods. The raging Amazon of the Sea was born on the night of the explosion of the Kahovka HPP , transforming from a poetic figure into a guardian of the planet, a destructive warrior. Many personalities coexist in the Sea Witch and together they form a multi-functional pantheon of deities.
The wondrous being in the depths of the sea owns many riches, and countless creatures serve her and fulfill her every wish. I managed to fish a few items out of the water, such as the Witch's underwear locker, which got tangled in the anchor chains, then got caught in an
unexpected undercurrent and washed ashore along with many small water helpers and maids, who are safely trapped in cages and will be brought back home to the depths of the ocean after the exhibition is over.
No magical creatures were harmed in the making of the exhibition.
The work is painted on 300 g/m² Arches watercolor paper and is not framed.

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Multidisciplinary artist Velta Emīlija Platupe has a special ability to evoke a magical mood in space and plane where baroque splendor allows the beautiful and the eerie to mingle. She graduated with a MA in[...]

Multidisciplinary artist Velta Emīlija Platupe has a special ability to evoke a magical mood in space and plane where baroque splendor allows the beautiful and the eerie to mingle. She graduated with a MA in Contemporary Art from the Ecole Supérieure d’Arts & Media de Caen/Cherbourg in France, and obtained a master's degree in painting at the Latvian Art Academy. Velta Emīlija has been active in the Latvian art environment for more than ten years. Public attention has been attracted by her personal exhibitions ("Proofs of the Official Death of Love", "Forgiveness is Not Possible", "Invertebrates", "Magical Sea Creatures. Wher to Find Them?", "Unveiling for Night Birds") and the visuals of theater performances ("Casanova", "Persian Lessons", "The Tale of Old Death" (nominated 2014/15 for the "Gamers' Night" award of the year) etc.). The artist created objects from different materials which are sometimes difficult to perceive as sculptures or dolls, so as not to create redundant word (too narrow or broad) connotations. Her figures are able to come to life both in the theater and in the exhibition hall, reminding about an important tradition of puppetry in the world and in Europe, which is unfortunately scarcely represented in Latvia. Velta Emilija Platupe says about herself that she can (and does) paint with her whole body, supplementing it with a brush, needle, or other tools if necessary.

Ver mais de Velta Emīlija Platupe

Ver todas as obras
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