Николай Седнин (Nicolas Sednin) Изображение профиля

Николай Седнин (Nicolas Sednin)

Назад к списку Добавлено 3 апр. 2019 г.


Cycle “One line Drawings“. 1989-1994. The cycle is based on the idea of the most accurate transmission of human images using the line. All drawings were made from life ink or ink on paper, sometimes with a brush. A characteristic feature of many drawings of this cycle is the linear transmission of forms and chiaroscuro. Models for the artist were friends with whom Nikolai Sednin met and talked during his work in Odessa. Later the cycle was continued in Riga and Moscow. In 1996 in Odessa publishing house “Version“ there was a book “Drawings by one line“ in which about 40 works of the author are presented.


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