Николай Седнин (Nicolas Sednin) Изображение профиля

Николай Седнин (Nicolas Sednin)

Назад к списку Добавлено 14 февр. 2019 г.



"A bird in a cage, a soul in a body, a man in a room."
In the summer of 2003, the "Cage" cycle was started in a specially prepared room for filming. The cycle is an allegorical depiction of girls and birds, equally unsuccessfully seeking to escape from the confined space. The figures are trying to" live " their territory. Symbolic framing turns each composition into a kind of box with additional compartments, which creates the illusion of comfort in space. At the core of the multi-loop collages, creating the illusion of the microcosm. Appears Central character — the Master Cells that operate sacred pentagrams and based on them invisibly building a new space for the already familiar characters. The image of the door indicates a possible transition to a new dimension, another reality left behind the scenes. In this cycle, the law of gravity and the usual appearance of the figures lose their importance, giving way to the "intracellular" order.
People are no longer prisoners of these walls.In 2011 in Paris, at the largest in Europe competition "PX3 PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE PARIS" photo compositions from the cycle "Cage" were awarded two gold medals in the categories "Fine Art/Nudes — Professional" and "People's Choice Awards". In 2012, works from this series were awarded the gold medal of gold Medal of Excellence "Trierenberg Super Circuit" at the competition of the world photographic "Oscar".


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