Song of a Lemon grove (2021) Картина - Lana Frey


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Продано по Lana Frey

  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Масло на Холст
  • Размеры Высота 39,4in, Ширина 47,2in
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 20 000 $ Фовизм Мифология
In ancient Persia there was once a young poet whose verses captured the hearts and souls of all who listened to them, and soon word of her writings spread from her village to all the surrounding towns, bringing people from all over the empire to come and hear this young girl timidly speak her words. Words that could make the very soul weep of joy,[...]
In ancient Persia there was once a young poet whose verses captured the hearts and souls of all who listened to them, and soon word of her writings spread from her village to all the surrounding towns, bringing people from all over the empire to come and hear this young girl timidly speak her words. Words that could make the very soul weep of joy, sadness, or a myriad of other intense emotions depending on the themes of her poems.

Unfortunately for her, her skill and her beauty quickly drew the attention of the gods to her, with even the most serious and insensitive of them being at the very least moved when hearing the verses this girl had written.

This drew one particular goddess, who was known among other things for the sweetness of her voice, to simmer with anger and jealousy. Finally, when even old Rashnu, forever judgmental and bitter, uttered under his breath that her poetry was “the most beautiful thing he’d ever heard” she exploded in a fit of rage, and descending from the heavens, selfishly striking down the young poet as she walked among a lemon grove; her favourite place to write her poems.

The goddess, after looking down at the beautiful young girl's body was overwhelmed with a sense of grief and regret.
She uttered two last words to the girl... What those words were is lost to time, but according to legend, these words materialised into two beautiful birds, which now forever watch over the young girls’ spirit.

Связанные темы

Colorful EmotionsHummingbirdGardenLemonsArt

Переведено автоматически
Светлана Тихонова, она же Лана Фрей, современная чешская художница. Она исследует широкий спектр чувств, которые мы испытываем, и превращает их в интересные портретные и пейзажные[...]

Светлана Тихонова, она же Лана Фрей, современная чешская художница. Она исследует широкий спектр чувств, которые мы испытываем, и превращает их в интересные портретные и пейзажные работы, вдохновленные историей, мифологией и легендами, но в основном фокусируясь на человеческих эмоциях.

Лана Фрей родилась в 1974 году в Чехии. Участвовала в выставках в Японии, Польше, Италии, Франции, Великобритании и США.

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Просмотреть все произведения
Масло на Холст | 23,6x35,4 in
1 739,39 $
Масло на Холст | 39,4x47,2 in
6 413,98 $
Акрил на Холст | 14,2x14,2 in
489,2 $
Масло на Льняной холст | 7,5x7,5 in
271,78 $


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