His Majesty - Dawn (2021) Рисунок - Svetlana Gudilova

Пастель на Бумага, 11,6x16,3 in
367 $
Цена: Бесплатная доставка
Продано по Svetlana Gudilova
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Продано по Svetlana Gudilova

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Максимальное разрешение: 8419 x 5953 px
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Продано по Svetlana Gudilova

уникальный экземпляр
Сертификат подлинности включен
Dawn - differs from sunset in its colors and grandeur. The sun - as if a deity conquers the night, and with it sorrow and bitterness. Gives warmth and hope for a new life. I associate this event with Tocata in D minor by Johann Sebastian Bach. It is impossible not to capture such a magnificent work ... My grandfather was an artist and[...]
Dawn - differs from sunset in its colors and grandeur. The sun - as if a deity conquers the night, and with it sorrow and bitterness. Gives warmth and hope for a new life. I associate this event with Tocata in D minor by Johann Sebastian Bach. It is impossible not to capture such a magnificent work ...

My grandfather was an artist and since childhood I developed a craving for fine arts. I spent a lot of time drawing, but my parents decided that I needed to make music and therefore I received a professional music education.

Even while studying music, I learned about myself such a feature that when I listen to a piece of music, picturesque colorful images appear in my head. I believed that this happens with every person who listens to music. And only at the institute I learned that this feature is very rare and even scientifically studied. Its name is SYNESTHESIA.

Synesthesia is a type of color hearing in which musical sounds evoke color associations in a person.

In the paintings, as a color basis for the background, I take the sound tonality in which the work is written, and then convey the music of classical composers with the help of paints and colors.

My paintings are filled with music. When I paint pictures, I listen to a piece of music, and if the piece I am listening to is vocal, then I sing ... I am a laureate of international competitions in opera vocal and performing another piece, my picture is filled with live sounds and vibrations of music ...

And if the piece is instrumental, then I look for its piano score, and after the painting is finished, I perform that piece of music that inspired me on the piano and, accordingly, I also fill it with music ..

Связанные темы

A Gift To A MusicianXmasBlue WavePicture For InterionSeascape

The theme of my artwork is music. Considering that the musical language arose from the intonations of colloquial speech, then I depict the energy of not only musical sounds, but also literary ones, because[...]

The theme of my artwork is music. Considering that the musical language arose from the intonations of colloquial speech, then I depict the energy of not only musical sounds, but also literary ones, because a literary work is the basis and motivating factor for the birth of music. These two types of art are united by a common specificity - a sound wave. Therefore, my paintings are not only a visualization of music as an art form, but also music in the broadest sense of the word: the energy that it carries with it. The music of life, soul, feelings, sensations and emotions...

Why do I mean precisely the energy, and not the meaning of musical and literary works. Because meaning is what is imposed on us. The word passion has a certain decoding, which everyone adheres to, but each of us will have our own individual emotions with this word that are not subject to any literary decoding.The ones we live in.

That is why there are no finished classical images in my works. They blur in a color sequence, they are part of the energy in which each viewer puts his own meaning.

At the heart of my visualization is a color stroke. In this way I express the color of the sound wave and the temporal duration of the sound. Why sound? Because sound is the fundamental principle of the creation of the world!

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357 $
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357 $
Пастель на Бумага | 11,6x16,3 in
367 $
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