chrysalis (2015) 미술작품 Polina Ogiy


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아트 이미지 뱅크
  • 원작 (One Of A Kind) 미술작품, 캔버스의 기름 / 아크릴
  • 치수 높이 59.1in, 폭 39.4in
  • 작품의 상태 작품은 완벽한 상태입니다
  • 프레이밍 이 작품은 액자가 없습니다
  • 카테고리 회화 US$20,000에서 인상주의 밀교
IMAGO 150x100x20 olio su tela 2015 Imago is Latin for "image". butterfly, moth GK. ψυχή — "soul", "butterfly"]. butterfly ---- the Insect squad Lepidoptera Papilio family. In many cultures symbolizes the capacity for transformation and beauty and the transitory nature of joy and life. As a symbol of the[...]
IMAGO 150x100x20
olio su tela 2015
Imago is Latin for "image".
butterfly, moth GK. ψυχή — "soul", "butterfly"]. butterfly ---- the Insect squad Lepidoptera Papilio family. In many cultures symbolizes the capacity for transformation and beauty and the transitory nature of joy and life. As a symbol of the soul is found in Zaire, Central Asia, Mexico, New Zealand, the Maori. Many well-known omens and superstitions linking of butterflies, especially night, with the souls of the dead. The most striking example of this is the butterfly "dead head". Most significant to the symbolism of butterfly has a cycle of its development: a voracious caterpillar worldly — life; dark pupa survived the winter — death; carefree and lighthearted butterfly (Which does not eat does not drink and the only purpose of which is love) is the rebirth, the flight of the soul. Connects symbolism: death (doll, zapelenutogo in a shroud), periodicity and immortality (resurrection) life. Perhaps the practice of mummification in Others. Egypt had their model for the metamorphosis of insects. "The miracle of passing from one to another state, this is the miracle of becoming sluggish caterpillar, the pupa is dull, soft beautiful butterfly, deeply touched the man, became his own spiritual transformations, gave him hope that someday he will leave the ground and rise into illumined by the light of the sphere of eternity." E. Eppley is currently the metaphor of frivolity and vernosti, cheerful and carefree perception and lifestyle, or beauty, often empty and seductive. Wed.: "butterfly-something ephemeral", I float like a butterfly". In some graphical emblems and pictograms indicates the art, iridescence, often associated with children's creativity. ---- The insect, which in many cultures symbolizes, on the one hand, the ability to transformations and the beauty and the transitory nature of joy. For this reason the butterfly was depicted on old grave headstones (see the Death of characters). As shown by its Greek name is psyche, the butterfly, like the bird, is "an animate being". In the popular imagination, insect, associated with the other world, the incarnation of the soul. Another facet of the symbolism of the butterflies, is based on their metamorphosis. Like the egg, the pupa of a butterfly is seen as the reservoir of potential existence (life), and the exit of an adult insect a symbol of resurrection, birth or liberation from the grave. The myth of psyche, represented with butterfly wings, appeals to this aspect of the symbolism of butterflies. Core values: lightness, inconstancy — moth in the West; the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection, renewal and immortality; the sublime; one of the forms of psyche.

Antiquity because of the similarity with the shape of the Labrys, the butterfly is a symbol of the great Goddess which includes "all previous incarnations and hope future generations". As with classical antiquity believed, the soul leaves the body in the form of a butterfly. Emerging from the cocoon, the butterfly is a symbol of the soul released from the body at death. Often it's associated with the dead themselves[2]. Aristotle points to it (like birds) "animacy"[3]. The widely known myth of psyche liberated from death for striking the Zeus because of her love for Cupid. On Pompeian frescoes depicted the Psyche of a young girl (or girl) with wings of a butterfly[4]. As the personification of the soul, the breath, the Psyche often appears in the form of a butterfly departing from a funeral pyre. Perhaps these emblems date back to the common in the III—I centuries BC gems with the plot of catching butterflies-Psiha holding the burning torch of Cupid. Night butterflies (moths) are the symbol of secret wisdom, hidden in darkness (ignorance). Stages of development of butterflies is correlated with the stages of initiation (initiation): from egg to larvae — ignorant, helpless, "dead"; from larva to chrysalis (the tomb of the mysteries) is looking and thinking people; from pupae to adult — developed, perfected and enlightened soul is initiated, leaving the grave of his original nature.

China Butterfly or moth (Hu di) is the emblem of longevity (renewal and immortality ?), entertainment (leisure in abundance) and lovers. The Chinese word for butterfly is plum and the number seventy — homonomy / for butterfly ideogram "t ie" ohmophonica expressions "venerable (great) age" and "seventy years." "The butterfly is a sign of marital happiness; in fact it could be called the Chinese Cupid. The origin of this is found in the story told by the Taoist philosopher Jointz about how a young man chasing a beautiful butterfly, accidentally invaded the private property of a retired judge, and saw his daughter, he was so mesmerized by her charms that he decided to work hard and try to get her as his wife. In this he excelled and rose to high rank"[7]. A young lover who wants to drink/drinking flower juice. The expression "the moth maddened and wild bee" means seksualny communication. Beloved dead can come forth from the grave in the form of a butterfly. Jointz a dream in which he turned into a butterfly and gained great happiness due to which the butterfly is often seen as a symbol of joy and happiness. Something similar to the image of psyche is found in the myth of the Immortal Gardener, yuan-Ko (Yuan-K'o), whose beloved wife who taught [people] the breeding of silkworms, she can turn into him. In combination: with plum tree long life, beauty in old age, longevity and beauty, virgin beauty (?); with a cat — the wish to live to 80 years; with a feather — longevity; with chrysanthemum: is beauty in old age, can serve as a symbol of autumn. Japan because of its grace and lightness, is a symbol of femininity, young women, ecstatic joy. Also — women's bustle and vanity of the craft of the geisha or the temporary mistress. Pair of "dancing" around one another butterflies represent marital happiness. White butterfly — the spirit of the deceased. Air, as if disembodied, butterflies are seen as wandering souls and meeting with a butterfly heralds the arrival of a guest or the death of someone from family. Butterfly wings are a common attribute of wizards in fairy tales. Mesoamerica the Aztecs the butterfly "papalotl", serves as a symbol of the soul or breath of life, flying off with the last breath of a dying man. Fluttering amongst the flowers butterflies represent the souls of the fallen on the battlefield of soldiers[8]. Fallen warriors accompany the Sun until noon, in the first half of its visible path across the sky, and then fall to the earth as hummingbirds and butterflies[9]. The symbol of the souls of fallen warriors, the Aztecs, sacrificed to some Mexican God. Attribute Xochipilli (God of spring vegetation, love, ball games), depicted sitting among flowers and butterflies. Chopped stone knives (itzel) — butterfly goddess Itzpapalotl, night spirit flaming stars and a symbol of the souls of the dead childbirth women. Also — the symbol of swaying fire associated with the Sun. Correlation of butterflies with flame, probably based similarity in flight fluttering of bright wings shimmering with fiery tongues. The Aztec fire God has as an attribute an ornamental breast plate, known as the "obsidian butterfly". Like flint, obsidian is regarded as a fire stone, a well-known also its use as the blades of the ritual knives for the sacrifice. In the "House of the eagles (or Warriors)" Sun depicted in the form of a butterfly. The symbol of daylight and the sun's fire — and, therefore, the soul of a warrior butterfly for the ancient Mexicans also serves as a symbol of "Black Sun", which was held in his night journey the underworld. Thus, the butterfly is a symbol of chthonic hidden fire, associated with ideas of sacrifice, death and resurrection. In Aztec carving, the butterfly often serves as an alternative sign for the five — number associated with a center of the Earth[10]).
Psychology. Lightness. The metamorphosis of the butterfly resemble that of a man in his bodily shell material existence repairing all kinds of obstacles energy and activity of his heavenly soul. The numbness and insensitivity still doll — a symbol of death. The transitional state of the body and its vital functions and final liberation of the soul, which is destined to happen in the fire. Flit — heavenly soul, tearing the bonds of matter to dissolve in the ether from which it came. Modern psychoanalysis sees in the butterfly a symbol of rebirth[16]. Also — a symbol of the soul and of unconscious attraction towards the light[17]. Seen in a dream, means the revival associated with the process of mental transformation, a liberation from the shackles of his / her own self is Often used as a sign of psychological, parapsychological and psychiatric societies and institutions, often in combination with the letter "psi".

Я вечность жду, в одно мгновение
Я пряжу звездную плету
И млечный путь и путь вселенной
Я обнимаю и храню.

Мой голос тих и взор хрустален
И крылья в золоте небес
Горит огонь водой желанной
Источник чистый всех сердец.

Pollina Ogiy 2015-11-15

관련 테마


자동 번역
CREDO Polina Ogiy "Art is the creator soul delight spilled on canvas, embodied in marble, paper, notes in the form, line, color, sound, word, movement and thousands of other creative expressions.[...]

CREDO Polina Ogiy

"Art is the creator soul delight spilled on canvas, embodied in marble, paper, notes in the form, line, color, sound, word, movement and thousands of other creative expressions. This is awareness of Genesis, understanding of the soul creating the fabric of life .

 Works of art are true, pure symbols imprinted by the hand of the artist. They are characters of life, love, harmony and symmetry, sacred geometry of destiny. The world is ruled by symbols. And the true symbols express the divine harmony.If you're a creative person, the main energy that moves your hand is love, passion to cognition for the essence of things and phenomena. This is love and admiration, inspiration by the beauty of a landscape, character, object, myth or legend. The delight of my soul reflects the spiritual essence and symbolism of the Muse selected.Creativity is the destination of the soul incarnate in a person. We all are the co-creators of God, and everyone is an architect of his own life and world view. Convergence of matter and spirit, the ancient alchemy of human life are nothing else, but a splash of creative energy of spirit in matter.For me it is the music of my soul embodied in line and color, its trace through the time and space. Painting and sculpture are like my natural breath and my self expression. The motivation is simple - to live and create. An artist is the crystal, which stops the time in its purpose. An artist displays the Genesis, depicts the beauty and perfection of the moment. The artist perceives with his heart, not his eyes. An artist opens for the viewer the door to the wordlessness  and guides to the pure original source of Life."

Polina Ogiy was born in Kharkov on 02/23/1977Education1984-1994 - piano school of music Kharkov1988-1992 Art School named after. I. E. Repina1994-1999 - Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry named after S. G. Stroganov (MGKhPA named after Stroganov)Diploma in Design.In 2004 Architectural Prize 2004 Moscow1996-2012Design studio "MONOPOLLY DESIGN" Moscow2012-2015Italy Pesaro Polina Ogiy Gallery “IL SOGNO”2017- Sicily Palermo.

2022 Pesaro Polina Ogiy Gallery “IL SOGNO”

1.The exhibition "Epoca del Sogno" Pesaro 2011 albergo Crueser

2.The exhibition "Epoca del Sogno" Pesaro 2011 albergo Alexsandr

 3.The exhibition "Luce e ombra"galleria "IL SOGNO"22.08.2013

 4.The exhibition "I volti del Buddha"galleria "IL SOGNO"11.07.2013

 5.The exhibition "LE FIGLIE DI EVA"galleria "IL SOGNO"22.08.2012

 6.The exhibition "VEDERE"galleria "IL SOGNO"24.04.2014

 7.The exhibition "Alba in SICILIA"galleria "IL SOGNO"12.07.2014

 8.The exhibition "Le tartarughe" galleria "IL SOGNO"12.07.2014

 9.The exhibition personale Palazzo Consiglio regionale delle Marche Ancona 26.11.2014

 10.The exhibition By the 10.04.2016-12.06.2016 the Gallery Poppi (AR), is hosting “De Naturarum Magnificentia”, a group exhibition curated by Sara Lovari and Silvia Rossi, in collaboration with ExpArt studio&gallery.
11. Premio internazionale  Arte  Milano 2017/07/25

Polina Ogiy에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하세요.

모든 작품보기
캔버스의 아크릴 | 47.2x23.6 in
캔버스의 아크릴 | 39.4x27.6 in
캔버스의 아크릴 | 47.2x23.6 in
캔버스의 기름 | 39.4x47.2 in


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