Afternoon Shadows (2023) Malarstwo autorstwa Makiwa Mutomba

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Sprzedawca Makiwa Mutomba

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33,44 USD
Usage: Licencja sieciowa
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  1498 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1498x1500
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Maksymalna liczba odbitek 0 (Zero)
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Bank dzieł sztuki
Pojedyncza praca
Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
Zawiera certyfikat autentyczności
Zamontowany na Drewniana rama noszy
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 31,5in, Szerokość 31,5in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 5 000 USD Abstrakcyjna Życie codzienne
Makiwa is obsessed with color and emotion. Having painted representational work for over 20 years, the artist now less interested in subject matter and more interested in arrangement of shapes and color. In his process, the artist makes line drawings that distill his subject to leave only the bare essential lines and shapes to tell the story- Elegant[...]
Makiwa is obsessed with color and emotion. Having painted representational work for over 20 years, the artist now less interested in subject matter and more interested in arrangement of shapes and color. In his process, the artist makes line drawings that distill his subject to leave only the bare essential lines and shapes to tell the story- Elegant and free-flowing lines. He uses pure color, with a lot of emphasis on conveying a feeling of light and shade. The result is a simple yet powerful story all about line, color and light.

Powiązane tematy

ShadowsMakiwa MutombaPeople

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Makiwa Mutomba (born 1976 in Zimbabwe) showed an excellent ability to draw at an early age. It was not until his third year at university in 1999 where he was studying Electronics Engineering that he quit studies[...]

Makiwa Mutomba (born 1976 in Zimbabwe) showed an excellent ability to draw at an early age. It was not until his third year at university in 1999 where he was studying Electronics Engineering that he quit studies and started painting pictures for a living. Moving from Bulawayo to Harare, which is the commercial capital of the country, and then on to the resort town of Victoria falls, where he sold miniature paintings at the roadside to tourists (hanging paintings from tree branches). It was at this time that Makiwa developed a love for the knife as a painting tool. Makiwa is the founder and Managing Director of Makiwa Galleries, which comprises of  2 Galleries in Durban and Franschhoek. Most of his art is sold through Makiwa Galleries to art collectors in South Africa and all over the world.

Zobacz więcej od Makiwa Mutomba

Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
Akryl na Płótno | 31,5x47,2 in
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Akryl na Płótno | 39,4x39,4 in
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Akryl na Płótno | 47,2x47,2 in
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