Deep Velvet And Red Enigmatic Enigmatic Still life O Kloska (2023) Malarstwo autorstwa Kloska Ovidiu

Papier artystyczny, 10x8 in

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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 31,5in, Szerokość 23,6in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 5 000 USD Abstrakcyjna Martwa natura
Deep Velvet And Red Enigmatic Enigmatic Abstract Gestural Abstract Painting Still Life By O Kloska I present to you a new painting representing a vase with dreamlike flowers. The spontaneity of the composition and the chromatic relations between the shades of red, purple and discrete blue are "quieted" by the cold grays of the background.[...]
Deep Velvet And Red Enigmatic Enigmatic Abstract Gestural Abstract Painting Still Life By O Kloska
I present to you a new painting representing a vase with dreamlike flowers. The spontaneity of the composition and the chromatic relations between the shades of red, purple and discrete blue are "quieted" by the cold grays of the background. The photograph does not fully reproduce the beauty of the relief texture in certain areas of the painting, nor the feeling of softness of the entire composition. The entire still life appears to be a focused image of a lush dreamlike flower petal. The controlled dripping of the red gives the painting a temporal pulsation, full of colored sap. The painting reproduces a dream in metamorphosis.
Kafkaian Eternity with flowers at 7 pm / Vase with flowers signed 15.03.2023
The painting is made in a spontaneous technique in acrylic on canvas and has the size: 60 x 80 cm
Collection special artwork !
It will be shipped with a certificate of authenticity !
varnish to protect the colors in time for UV and dust / will be sent with high priority airmail / insurance included

I am one of the abstract contemporary artists whose share is rising. Interest in my art has grown considerably lately. You can view more works and details on the official website.
I have over 20 years of experience in shipping small and large works of art. The painting will be professionally packaged.
INVESTING IN ART IS THE MOST PROFITABLE INVESTMENT IN TIME. In Europe, the USA and Asia, large companies, banks and museums are investing in the art of young artists with potential. The Romanian art market is also starting to move in this trend. Collect young Romanian artists and you will leave a valuable legacy to your children and grandchildren!
The composition looks much better than the displayed pictures and will be sent with a certificate of authenticity bearing the painter's signature and the collector's name.
Visit the official website to enjoy fantastic imagery and you will travel in an absolutely fascinated universe bearing the dream signature Kloska. His creations are found in private collections around the world in the USA, CANADA, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE, ENGLAND, GERMANY, BELGIUM, NETHERLANDS, AUSTRALIA, IRELAND, RUSSIA, MARTINIQUE, GUADELOUPE, NORWAY, SWEDEN, DENMARK, PORTUGAL, SPAIN, MEXICO SI SINGAPORE.

This series of artworks refers to the metaphysical approach to space populated by a pot with flowers, a near seen like a section of a personal
temporal eternity, where the vegetative elements are transfigured into the metaphysical, transcendent .Thus, at the limit figuration, the immanents of the light becames oniric reflections and transparents, the flower shape became sphere, within which persist the traces of the pass, of the wear, the cyclicity. The series title, although apparently suggestive, is not refering to the absurdity and anguish prosaic present in Kafka's universe, but rather its starts from the idea of freezing of the personal physical time, by a simple meditative exercise of pure contemplation of the close realities transformed by the passing of time.
For me, as an artist, the still life is a perfect excuse to create a vibrant game between the idea of the volatility and the perennial of the world
that we perceive around us, and the essence of the human spirit: the conscience.
My "flowers" are subtle expressions of a meta-reality, where the viewer is invited to meditation, to exercise his spirit, to discover that energy, that forsure we all have it inside us, that resonates with the silence of the begining of begining.

Certificate of Authenticity:
Every artwork is sent with authenticity certificate that contain details about artwork, my original signature and the name of the collector on it.

Shipping informations:
I ship to Europe from Monday to Fridays and Thursday outside Europe.

Tracking numbers will be provided to the collector once the art ships.

My experience in handling and packaging artworks will assure safe and fast arriving to your place. I send my packages with confirmation of receiving and with high assurance. In packaging process I use a lot of special protection material and the final box is made from strong cardboard.

All artworks offered are guaranteed genuine and accurately described.
Please E-mail me or call with any questions. Thanks, KLOSKA

Powiązane tematy

Ovidiu KloskaStill LifeColorsRed And VelvetPot With Flowers

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Kloska Ovidiu to współczesna artystka rumuńska. Jego język wizualny odnosi się do snów, nieświadomości, majaczenia, halucynacji, ze zmianą kształtu i światła, ze spontanicznością,[...]

Kloska Ovidiu to współczesna artystka rumuńska. Jego język wizualny odnosi się do snów, nieświadomości, majaczenia, halucynacji, ze zmianą kształtu i światła, ze spontanicznością, iluzją, dziwacznością, nienormalnością i normalnością.

Ovidiu pracuje z różnymi mediami, w tym z malarstwem, fotografią i rzeźbą. Jego dramatyczne obrazy akrylowe na płótnie przypominają wspaniałych artystów, takich jak John Martin i JMW Turner. Tymczasem jego żelazni rzeźbiarze to abstrakcyjne, industrialne prace, które zalicza do stylistycznych nurtów brutalizmu i dekonstruktywizmu.

Kloska Ovidiu urodził się w 1977 roku w Rumunii, gdzie ukończył Uniwersytet Artystyczny. Członek Rumuńskiego Związku Artystów Zawodowych UAP.

Zobacz więcej od Kloska Ovidiu

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