The Library Картина - Journeymandesigns

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34,00 $
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  1188 px  

1500 px
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Это художественное произведение появляется в 4 в коллекциях
  • Подлинное произведение искусства Картина, Чернила на Бумага
  • Размеры Высота 11in, Ширина 8,5in
  • Категории Картины до 500 $ Импрессионизм
Brush and ink painting of "The Library", a setting depicted in the novel 'The Water Thief', a novel written by Nicholas Soutter. По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили
Brush and ink painting of "The Library", a setting depicted in the novel 'The Water Thief', a novel written by Nicholas Soutter.

Связанные темы


Переведено автоматически
My name is Anthony M. Grimaldi of JourneyManDesigns, a resident of New York City, a metropolis of successful and starving artists of every stripe and persuasion. I am content to be either, but never to be neither.

My name is Anthony M. Grimaldi of JourneyManDesigns, a resident of New York City, a metropolis of successful and starving artists of every stripe and persuasion. I am content to be either, but never to be neither.

I am a born artist and illustrator, with a fierce creative drive. As a child, I was always drawing, sketching, and building sets for my friends and I to play on with our toys. As a young man, to earn a living, I engaged in many creative pursuits, including theater, acting, drumming, and professional culinary arts as well. In April 2000 I attended the Katherine Gibbs School and acquired an Associate’s Degree in Visual Communications and Illustration.

After graduating, I joined the US Navy as a Mass Communications Specialist where I was able to utilize my artistic skills and talents for 2 years by designing posters, promotions, and advertisements aboard the USS Saipan and designed layout, banners, text and photo corrections for its yearbook.

After my honorable discharge I attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online to obtain a Bachelor's in Web Design & Interactive Media. After graduating in 2010, I decided I did not want to earn a living designing websites, but decided instead to promote and market myself as JourneyManDesigns: Illustrator & Graphic Designer, with the intent of freelancing and acquiring a client base. The modern business world thrives and functions on global inter-connectivity and communication more than ever, and it will only increase. This is an area I daily explore and navigate with increasing expertise and knowledge, allowing me to discover and establish contact with a vast variety of potential clients and business opportunities to develop and grow my business.

My technique of combining and blending illustration and graphic design allow virtually no limits for interpreting whatever my imagination is inspired to create, enabling me to design with unlimited creativity and visual imagination. With this technique, I offer greater flexibility, variability, and choices that assure maximum artistic achievement in every design for every client. Though each medium has its own tools and character, the true artist not only masters each one individually, but combines and blends each together to achieve the ultimate artistic vision. As a graphic design artist & illustrator, this artistic vision is my constant thought and primary goal.

Using nothing but persistence and perseverance has inspired me to strike out independently as a freelancer, globally seeking individuals, companies and opportunities to design and create.

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Чернила на Бумага | 7x7 in
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Шариковая ручка на Бумага | 7x4,5 in
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Чернила на Бумага | 10,1x16 in
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Древесный уголь на Бумага | 17x13 in
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