Russian landscape Pittura da Alexander Trifonov


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Venduto da Alexander Trifonov

  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Altro
  • Dimensioni Le dimensioni sono disponibili su richiesta
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD
A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Altro Altro
Alexander Trifonov was born in 1975 in Moscow. Studied at moscow polygraphic institute. He received an education in design and worked with Moscow theaters since early 90-s. Since 1998 he is working in[...]

Alexander Trifonov was born in 1975 in Moscow. Studied at moscow polygraphic institute. He received an education in design and worked with Moscow theaters since early 90-s. Since 1998 he is working
in Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre and also creates designs for magazines and art books. A member of the Artists’ Union of Russia,
he exhibits his works in many group and individual exhibitions every year. In 2005 a book about the artist with his art, articles and
comments has been printed in Moscow, is a noted follower
of the modern avant-guard art concept known as receptualism.
“To be a painter for me is to create my own world”, says Alexander Trifonov. “And we can only acknowledge he has what it takes – everything he creates has consistency and originality of the artist. You can’t take his world for someone else’s”, says Evgeny Rein, a poet.

Александр Юрьевич Трифонов родился в Москве 8 сентября 1975 года. Окончил Московский полиграфический институт.
Работал в учебном театре ГИТИС. Проходил срочную службу в театре Российской Армии. Художник МХТ им. А.П.Чехова. Член Творческого союза художников России. Художник многих книг и буклетов по театру и искусству. В 2005 году в издательстве «Книжный сад» вышла книга-альбом о художнике Александре Трифонове в рубрике «Новый русский авангард».
Картины находятся в коллекциях: галереи А3, галереи «Кентавр»,
галереи «На Каширке», Музея современного русского искусства
в Джерси-Сити (США), Фонда социально-экономических
и интеллектуальных программ (Сергея Филатова), галереи «Макек» (Хорватия); в коллекциях: Александра Глезера, Юрия Любимова, Евгения Рейна, Михаила Алшибая, Аннамухамеда Зарипова, Валерия Золотухина; в частных коллекциях в России, США, Словакии, Франции.

Vedere più a proposito di Alexander Trifonov

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Pittura | 31,5x23,6 in
2.077,26 USD
Olio | 39,4x31,5 in
2.332,86 USD
Olio | 43,3x43,3 in
3.048,75 USD
Olio | 39,4x31,5 in
2.815,89 USD


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