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Pittura intitolato "“Leopard in the for…" da Inna Levchenko, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per barella in l…
“Leopard in the forest” oil hand made painting - Pittura, 36x24 in ©2023 da Inna Levchenko - Figurative, figurative-594, Gatto, leopard, oil painting, interior painting, cats, art, pop art, predator, yellow, tiger, leo

Inna Levchenko

"“Leopard in the forest” oil hand made painting"

Olio su Tela di lino | 36x24 in

3.581 USD
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Pittura intitolato "Tenth Life" da Anita Zotkina, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Tenth Life - Pittura, 20x16 in ©2020 da Anita Zotkina - Figurative, figurative-594, Gatto, animal, myth, dream, tree, cat, wing, fly

Anita Zotkina

"Tenth Life"

Olio su Tela | 20x16 in

Disegno intitolato "Cats hunt in the Ru…" da Edwin Loftus, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello Montato su Altro pannello rigido
Cats hunt in the Ruins of the Old City - Disegno, 8x5,5 in ©2021 da Edwin Loftus - Illustration, illustration-600, Gatto, future, other worlds, humanity, dawn period

Edwin Loftus

"Cats hunt in the Ruins of the Old City"

Pastello su Carta | 8x5,5 in

933 USD
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