Наvvа lll (2020) Fotografia da Maks Drobinenko

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Venduto da Maks Drobinenko

Licenza digitale

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31,85 USD
127,42 USD
265,45 USD
Risoluzione massima: 2497 x 5797 px
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Venduto da Maks Drobinenko

Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 9 collezioni
...indeed, the fruit itself was good, but the whole thing here is in the personal relationship between God and man. And when Eve sees that the tree is beautiful, a certain value appears outside God. Having tasted the fruit of truth, the wife received her name, Havva. Digital print on Epson Professional | Premium Luster 260 g paper [...]
...indeed, the fruit itself was good, but the whole thing here is in the personal relationship between God and man. And when Eve sees that the tree is beautiful, a certain value appears outside God. Having tasted the fruit of truth, the wife received her name, Havva.

Digital print on Epson Professional | Premium Luster 260 g paper

With white borders 1 cm. Print Size: 79,4см x 32,9 см, paper size: 80,4x 33,9 см.

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Maxim Drobinenko is a photo artist from Ukraine. He specializes in humanistic photography. He creates his works based on the knowledge gained at the Academy of realist art and the visual experience of classical[...]

Maxim Drobinenko is a photo artist from Ukraine. He specializes in humanistic photography. He creates his works based on the knowledge gained at the Academy of realist art and the visual experience of classical and modern painting. In his photographs, he exposes the existentialism of human nature through the prism of his own experiences. 


The heroes are given space, time and a situation in which they can interact with the camera through the manifestation of their feelings. The principle of constructing an image by capturing the moment without personal intervention, thereby immersing the viewer into a new state of being, giving importance to the figurative inner experiences of the heroes of the shooting. 


As a teenager, I was always worried about my own existence in extreme social conditions, the sensations of the nature of human experiences excited my consciousness. Shooting for me is immersion in myself, documentary fixation of the moment when the hero is left alone with himself, plunging into internal mental metamorphoses. And each frame is akin to the thinnest slice of time saved for eternity. 

 Максим Дробиненко - фотохудожник из Украины. Специализируется на гуманистической фотографии. Создает свои работы на основе знаний, полученных в Academy of realist art, и визуального опыта классической и современной живописи. В своих снимках обнажает экзистенциализм человеческой природы сквозь призму собственных переживаний. 


Героям даётся пространство, время и ситуация в которых они могут взаимодействовать с камерой посредством проявления своих ощущений. Принцип построения изображения с помощью фиксации момента без личного вмешательства, погружая тем самым зрителя в новое состояние бытия, придавая важность образным внутренним переживаниям героев съемки. 


В отрочестве меня всегда волновала собственная экзистенция в экстремальных социальных условиях, ощущения природы человеческих переживаний будоражили мое сознание. Съемка для меня — это погружение в себя, документальная фиксация момента, когда герой остается наедине с собой, погружаясь во внутренние ментальные метаморфозы. А каждый кадр сродни тончайшему срезу времени, сохраненному для вечности.  

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