"The lines that are there , and the ones we choose to cross" (2023) Escultura por Scott Wilkes

Escultura - Metais, 34x18 in
US$ 4.862
Preço: Envio Grátis
Vendido por Scott Wilkes
Comentários do cliente (13)
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Esta obra é exibida em 7 coleções
  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Escultura, Metais em Metal
  • Dimensões Altura 34in, Largura 18in / 22.40 lb
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Apto para exterior? Não, Esta obra de arte não pode ser exibida ao ar livre
  • Categorias Esculturas menos de US$ 5.000 Figurativo
" The lines that are there , and the ones we choose to cross " This figure is somewhat based off someone I was close to named " Jewels " which was actually her pet name . The meaning I must leave a bit cryptic for good reason. There are 2 parts to the meaning of this piece . The first part : the lines that are there . If you[...]
" The lines that are there , and the ones we choose to cross "
This figure is somewhat based off someone I was close to named " Jewels " which was actually her pet name . The meaning I must leave a bit cryptic for good reason. There are 2 parts to the meaning of this piece . The first part : the lines that are there . If you look close at the piece, I made some solid lines which are fundamental lines of the female form. The wisp of the leg and hip , the curve under the breasts , the line of the ribcage and the lines of the collar bones. The second part of the meaning is a bit more poignant. There are lines in life and the decisions we make , that we CHOOSE to make , sometimes directly cross the lines of life, and sometimes indirectly . I chose to cross some of the lines in life and the outcome was not what I would have liked, truthfully , I made a mess of things . I so wish I could mend things but I crossed so many lines directly and indirectly that things have splintered ,which is what I was trying to convey with this piece .

This piece stands 35" tall and is 18" wide at her widest point which is the tips of her arms. The baseplate is 11" x 11" and she weighs 22.4 pound

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Traduzido automaticamente
Scott Wilkes é um escultor americano contemporâneo. Wilkes está trabalhando com metal e seu objetivo é pegar um meio que de muitas maneiras é geralmente considerado frio, duro,[...]

Scott Wilkes é um escultor americano contemporâneo. Wilkes está trabalhando com metal e seu objetivo é pegar um meio que de muitas maneiras é geralmente considerado frio, duro, rígido e áspero e fazer algo que transmita suavidade, calor, movimento e fluxo. O tema principal de suas esculturas é a forma feminina.

Ver mais de Scott Wilkes

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