The Guardian (2022) Ζωγραφική από Eiad Oraby

Όχι προς πώληση

Πωλητής Eiad Oraby

Καλό χαρτί τέχνης, 10x8 in
Ενιαία εργασία
Έργα τέχνης υπογεγραμμένα από τον καλλιτέχνη
Περιλαμβάνεται πιστοποιητικό γνησιότητας
Έτοιμο να κρεμάσετε
Αυτό το έργο τέχνης εμφανίζεται σε 3 συλλογές
  • Αυθεντικά έργα τέχνης (One Of A Kind) Ζωγραφική, Λάδι / Κάρβουνο στο Ξύλο
  • Διαστάσεις Ύψος 25,6in, Πλάτος 19,3in
  • κατάσταση του έργου τέχνης Το έργο τέχνης είναι σε άριστη κατάσταση
  • Framing Αυτό το έργο τέχνης δεν είναι πλαισιωμένο
  • Κατηγορίες ΠΙΝΑΚΕΣ ΖΩΓΡΑΦΙΚΗΣ κάτω των 5.000 $ Εικόνα Πορτρέτο
The Guardian is a painting illustrating a characters in the butterfly effect effect world, he is the action and time keeper. Σχετικά με αυτό το έργο τέχνης: Ταξινόμηση, Τεχνικές & Στυλ Λάδι [...]
The Guardian is a painting illustrating a characters in the butterfly effect effect world, he is the action and time keeper.
Αυτόματη μετάφραση
 I remember when i first heard the term “Metaphysics” somewhere between 7 and 8 years old, attending a conversation between two art scholars holding a dialogue reflecting on their interpretation of a painting[...]

 I remember when i first heard the term “Metaphysics” somewhere between 7 and 8 years old, attending a conversation between two art scholars holding a dialogue reflecting on their interpretation of a painting in my father’s studio. Trying to wrap my head around abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, and space were mind-blowing. The world has looked different ever since. 

I don’t perceive my artwork as a statement but rather as an ongoing dialog, constantly updated with my experiences and perception of the world around me.

I am a Berlin based contemporary visual artist, originally from Egypt, I hold a B.A in Fine Arts from (SVU), and a visiting assistant lecturer at the British university Egypt. 

Freedom of expression, abstract concepts, and interpretation of philosophical ideas or physiological thoughts are of great matter in my work. My current subject of matter is Chaos theory and the butterfly effect in relation to our contemporary ecological and political challenges, manifested in a series of oil paintings exploring the non-linear concept in relation to composition, As well as experimental paintings using photographic processes to create compositions directly on light-sensitive paper and a series of small-scale video art series, depicting a number of abstract compositions inspired by contemporary daily life challenges, reflected on quotations from Alan Wilson Watts (1915 – 1973), who described himself as a “philosophical entertainer” and who contributed significantly to opening the eyes of the West on other cultures and traditions.

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Δείτε όλα τα έργα τέχνης
Λάδι στο Καμβάς | 47,2x39,4 in
Όχι προς πώληση
Λάδι στο Καμβάς | 47,2x39,4 in
Όχι προς πώληση
Ακρυλικό στο Καμβάς | 43,3x35,4 in
Όχι προς πώληση
Λάδι στο Καμβάς | 39,4x27,6 in
Όχι προς πώληση


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