Think different (Abstract action painting art) (2019) Malerei von Pop Art By Super Pop Boy


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Verkauft von Pop Art By Super Pop Boy

"Think different" - the title of the painting - was also an advertising slogan used by Apple Computer from 1997 to 2002. When published, the "Think Different" campaign proved to be an enormous success for Apple. The critically acclaimed spot has received numerous prizes and awards. The one-minute ad contained black-and-white photographs[...]
"Think different" - the title of the painting - was also an advertising slogan used by Apple Computer from 1997 to 2002. When published, the "Think Different" campaign proved to be an enormous success for Apple. The critically acclaimed spot has received numerous prizes and awards. The one-minute ad contained black-and-white photographs of 17 20th century personalities in this order: Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King, Jr., Richard Branson, John Lennon (with Yoko Ono)). The ad ends with a picture of a young girl opening her closed eyes as if she wishes something.
Jobs said in an interview: When you grow up, you are usually informed that the world is the way it is, and your job is to live your life only in the world. Try not to hit the walls too hard. Try to have a nice family life, have fun and save a little money. That is a very limited life. Life can be much wider when you discover a simple fact, and that is - everything around you, what you call life, was invented by people who were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. The moment you understand that you can nudge life and actually become something, you know that as you push in something jumps out on the other side, that you can change it, you can shape it. That is perhaps the most important thing. It's about shaking off this erroneous idea that life is there and you're just going to live in it instead of embracing, changing, improving, marking it. I think that's very important, and however you learn, once you've learned it, you want to change and improve your life because it's messed up in many ways. Once you have learned that, you will never be the same again.

Original action-painting-text concept art painting "Think different", size 130 x 130 x 2 cm (51x51 inch), acrylic on canvas, 2019, whitout shadow joints frame

Verwandte Themen

Jackson Pollock ArtAction PaintingAbstract ArtLarge Abstract PaintingThink Different Conceptualart

Mein Name ist Super Pop Boy und ich bin Maler aus Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, wo ich lebe und mein Studio habe. Meine Haupthemen sind „Kind/Jugendlicher bleiben“ und „Spielen/Gamify your life“. In meinen meist[...]

Mein Name ist Super Pop Boy und ich bin Maler aus Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, wo ich lebe und mein Studio habe. Meine Haupthemen sind „Kind/Jugendlicher bleiben“ und „Spielen/Gamify your life“. In meinen meist größeren Werken in Acrylfarben beschäftige ich mich mit den Sichtweise von Kindern/Jugendlichen und verbinde das Thema „Spielen“ mit aktuellen Themen und Trends. Mit populären Kindheitsmotiven – aus den 80igern bis heute - kommunizieren die Gemälde mit den Betrachter:innen, und es findet ein Dialog statt, was mir wichtig ist. Studiert habe ich Malerei und Design an der Akademie JAK in Hamburg und Neue Deutsche Literatur, Kulturelle Kommunikation, Theaterwissenschaften an der Humboldt Universität Berlin. Meine Werke hängen weltweit bei Sammlern:innen in z.B. New York, Miami, Basel, Taiwan, Berlin, Köln, Wien etc..

Mehr von Pop Art By Super Pop Boy

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