artist book by raphael perez artists book painter (1997) Fotografie von Raphael Perez

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Verkauft von Raphael Perez

Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 5 Sammlungen
  • Original-Kunstwerk Fotografie, Tinte auf Papier
  • Masse Abmessungen sind auf Anfrage erhältlich
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Kategorien Konzeptkunst
Perez is an Israeli artist who creates artist books that explore the influence of children’s paintings on his own art. These books are collections of drawings, paintings, collages, and writings that show his creative process and inspiration. He uses these books to express his spontaneity as a grown-up artist, his wish to go back to being innocent like[...]
Perez is an Israeli artist who creates artist books that explore the influence of children’s paintings on his own art. These books are collections of drawings, paintings, collages, and writings that show his creative process and inspiration. He uses these books to express his spontaneity as a grown-up artist, his wish to go back to being innocent like children, and his connection to his inner child.

In these artist books, Perez is inspired by the artworks of children, especially his own drawings from childhood. He loves the freedom, imagination, and joy that children show in their art. He tries to copy their style and method by using simple lines, shapes, and colors. He also adds elements from children’s art such as animals, flowers, stars, suns, houses, and people. He combines these elements with his own personal symbols and themes, such as urban landscapes, religious icons, and abstract forms.

Perez’s artist books are not just a visual expression of his artistic journey, but also a philosophical and psychological investigation of his identity and emotions. He uses these books as a way of talking with himself and others. He writes about his thoughts, feelings, experiences, and dreams. He also writes about his artistic influences, challenges, and goals. He wonders about his role as an artist and a human being. He thinks about his spirituality and culture. He shares his hopes, fears, joys, and sorrows.

Perez’s artist books are a proof of his artistic development and experimentation. They show how he has found his own unique style and voice by mixing elements from different sources and genres. They also show how he has used art as a tool for self-discovery and self-expression. They reveal his inner world and invite the viewer to join him.

Perez’s artist books are an example of how an adult artist can learn from children’s art

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Artist BookArtist BooksArtists BookArtists BooksPainter Book

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Willkommen bei , der virtuellen Gallerie des Kuenstlers Raphael Perez. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine Werkschau seiner Oel- und Acrylgemaelde, Zeichnungen und Geschichten rund um die Bilder. Raphael Perez[...]

Willkommen bei , der virtuellen Gallerie des Kuenstlers Raphael Perez. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine Werkschau seiner Oel- und Acrylgemaelde, Zeichnungen und Geschichten rund um die Bilder. Raphael Perez setzt sich mit verschiedenen Sujets auseinander: Aktmalerei, Stilleben, Natur, "naive" Malerei und illustrierte persoenliche Aufzeichnungen.
Zwei Kunststile beherrschen Perezs Werke:
Der "naive" Kunststil, der sich durch meine erzieherische Arbeit mit Kindern entwickelt hat.
Der "realistische" Kunststil, in dem die Farbe rot eine entscheidende Rolle spielt.

Mehr von Raphael Perez

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