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Carlo Vercelli

cesate, 意大利
艺术家 (绘画)
出生于 1956

Carlo Vercelli was born in Savona in 1956. He moved to Milan with his father after the death of his mummy, at the age of 10.

After his diploma at high school in arts maturity and his degree in painting at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, his academic career continues with his continuous attendance at the Famiglia Artistica Milanese, where the Scapigliatura Lombarda was born, and where he is in contact big artists of the ’70’s, such as the sculptors Eros Pellini and Renzo Zacchetti, the designer Mario Uggeri, who contribute to making his life full of nuances, both in color and in greyscale, just like the oils and temperas that he imprints on canvases with decisive and energetic brushstrokes.

His works are an authentic visual diary, a sort of journey to discover a constantly changing universe, reread in a personal expressive key. An approach that reveals profound subjective research, but also the desire to convey an intimate message rich in values.

His discrete character makes him prefer brushes and hands which he defines as "his primary tools" instead of words.

The artist draws on the tradition of new figuration. The abstract visual elements are then manipulated and contaminated to get to figurative expression.


Over the last few years he has also enriched his experience as a critic and art historian, bringing art to radio broadcasts and direct social media.


He has organized several collective and personal exhibitions

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