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Bill Toma

艺术家 (雕塑)
出生于 未知日期
Foundry Michelangelo

Bill Toma finally realized his dream of becoming a full-time artist while pursuing a teaching career at Long Beach City College, having gained an English MA in 1961. He started sculpting and working with metal during the early 1970s. Since that turning point, he has become an internationally known and collectible artist whose patrons include Stevie Nicks, Heather Locklear, and Alice Cooper. When asked about his work, Bill Toma states that he greatly enjoys having his work speak symbolically to its viewers, no doubt a carry-over from his literary background.

So extraordinarily detailed and exquisitely finished are Toma's works that he has been under exclusive contract with Walt Disney World, Disneyland, and The Walt Disney Company since 1980.

Bill Toma's creations represent a vast and unique repertoire of his personal interests, capturing a flight of fancy, it freezes the imagination's most soaring dream and brings it to terra firma for our pleasure and admiration. It allows us to travel to realms beyond, to realms of an alternative reality where anything is possible, to realms that offer the substance of our dreams, to realms that fire the imagination. Not limiting himself to one genre, he pursues a variety of subject matter: Wildlife, Nudes, Renaissance Harlequins, and most recently, Fantasy Art.

探索Bill Toma的当代艺术品,浏览最近的艺术品并在线购买。 分类: 美国当代艺术家. 艺术领域: 雕塑. 艺术家表示Foundry Michelangelo. 帐户类型: 艺术家 , 加入会员自2022 (出生国家 美国). 在Artmajeur上购买Bill Toma的最新作品: Bill Toma:发现惊人的作品的当代艺术家。浏览艺术品,购买原创作品或高档的印象。

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