Beatriz Matos (ArTemperance) Изображение профиля

Beatriz Matos (ArTemperance)

Salvador, Bahia, Бразилия
Художник (Рисунок)
Родился в 1992
Медитация на Бесконечность, Передача Внутренних Миров, из Сердечного Центра.

Comecei a desenhar quando criança. Me recordo de perguntar e aprender os primeiros traços com meus pais. Logo comecei a brincar de fazer quadrinhos, desenhando as imagens e criando a narrativa na cabeça. Era um hobby, para àqueles que me acompanhavam. Ouvi que não dava futuro. Mas o futuro sempre chegava e o presente sempre mostrava que o desenho perdurava. Enquanto fazia qualquer outra coisa, eu desenhava. Me dei conta de que o desenho também me ancorava. Atravessei crises em que o ato de desenhar se revelou indispensável, uma verdadeira medicina para estar com firmeza no agora e não ser arrastado pelas adversidades. Há pouco mais de 7 anos, comecei a me aventurar com as pinturas, precisamente a tinta acrílica, num caminho autodidata. Trabalhando prioritariamente as crenças internas sobre o viver de arte. Reconhecendo a importância e o valor deste servir. Respirei fundo e comecei a mostra-los às pessoas. Estudei sobre vendas e precificação. Minha avó quando via meus desenhos falava que eles me dariam dinheiro. Mas eu precisava acreditar e confiar nisso. Hoje, sonho em alcançar altos e longos vôos com as obras que gentilmente coloco no mundo. Sei que aqueles que serão tocados por minhas criações serão divinamente atraídos. Eu confio! Confio e Agradeço imensamente, de todo Coração.

"I started drawing as a child. I remember asking and learning the first traits with my parents. Soon I started playing comics, drawing the images and creating the narrative in my head. It was a hobby, for those who accompanied me. I heard there was no future. But the future always arrived and the present always showed that the design lasted. While I was doing anything else, I was drawing. I realized that drawing also anchored me. I went through crises in which the act of drawing proved to be indispensable, a true medicine to be firmly in the now and not be dragged down by adversity. A little over 7 years ago, I started to venture into painting, precisely acrylic paint, on a self-taught path. Prioritizing internal beliefs about living in art. Recognizing the importance and value of this service. I took a deep breath and started showing them to people. Studied about sales and pricing. My grandmother, when she saw my drawings, said that they would give me money. But I needed to believe and trust that. Today, I dream of reaching high and long flights with the works that I kindly place in the world. I know that those who will be touched by my creations will be divinely attracted. I trust! I trust and thank you immensely, with all my heart."

Откройте для себя современные произведения искусства от Beatriz Matos (ArTemperance), посмотрите последние работы и купите онлайн. Категории: современные бразильские художники. Художественные домены: Рисунок. Тип учётной записи: Художник , зарегистрирован 2018 (Страна происхождения Бразилия). Купить последние работы Beatriz Matos (ArTemperance) на Artmajeur: Откройте для себя потрясающие произведения современного художника Beatriz Matos (ArTemperance): . Просматривайте его художественные произведения, покупайте оригинальные работы или высококачественные репродукции.

Beatriz Matos (ArTemperance) Изображение профиля Большой

Рейтинг артиста, Биография, Мастерская художника:

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