Annick Goeke Image de profil

Annick Goeke

Artiste (Peinture, Sculpture)
Né(e) en 1971

Born in Vietnam in 1971 and quickly airflown to Switzerland, Annick grew up in Geneva. She decided in her early age that Art would be an important part in her life. Following first an artistic education in high school (Swiss Maturity, Visual Arts, CH) and Superior Art & Design School (HEAD Geneva, CH), Annick then started a career as a therapist (MSc.Psych., UNIGE, CH), BodyTalk Therapist CBP, SG/AU/UK/US).
After an enriching expatriation in Singapore, Annick came back to Switzerland with two adorable kids and a huge desire to reconnect with Art.
Although figurative and realistic drawings have always been her comfort zone, Annick constantly enjoys taking new challenges by experimenting new techniques and styles. Now she exhibits and sells her artworks as a fulltime artist.

Découvrez les oeuvres d'art contemporain de Annick Goeke, parcourez les oeuvres d'art récentes et achetez en ligne. Catégories: artistes contemporains suisses. Domaines artistiques: Peinture, Sculpture. Artiste représenté par Association riv'art. Type de compte: Artiste , membre depuis 2016 (Pays d'origine Suisse). Achetez les dernières œuvres de Annick Goeke sur Artmajeur: Découvrez de superbes oeuvres par l'artiste contemporain Annick Goeke. Parcourez ses oeuvres d'art, achetez des oeuvres originales ou des impressions haut de gamme.

Annick Goeke Image de profil Grand

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