Saoud Image de profil


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Expos Solo (Listing)

Humanities and letters faculty of University of Mohamed1 in Oujda :1982,1983,1984
Low faculty University of Mohamed1 in Oujda :1983
Oujda’s pedogogical center 1987
Oujda’s Municipality palace 1987
Culturel complex « Kamel Zabdi » in Casablanca 1988
Culturel Complex Moulay Rachid in Casablanca 1997
First exposition of Digital Art in Librairy Tit mellil Csablanca 2004-06-21. Esthetics and art critics « published studies »
A globel approch to «Ahmed Charkaoui’s painting ».ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI.JUNE 29.19997
Hanzala through Nagi al ali ‘s caricatures.Alitihad . ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI.July13.1997
Guernica The artwork and the tragedy. ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI.July6.1997
Poetic’s colours in Eva Marceau’s paintings. ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI.July20.97
Oath of Horoces by the painter David. ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI.
A point of a view in the meaining of shopes and curves . ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI.August 6.2000.
Caracteristics and peculiarities of childran drawings .ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI July 13.2003.
Frida Kahlo : The engmatic painter. ALITIHAD WEEKLY ,July 25-31.2003.NO.68.
Studies on the Arabic Calligraphy :
The calligraphy in the contemporay arabic art : ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI.Jjuly 3rd,1983
Arabic poetry in « Diae al azzawi’s paintings-«=example :Almoutanabi’s peoms= : ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI .May 7th.2003
Arabic calligraphy in Najat Kkhatib ‘s paintings : ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI, July 22.2003
Calligraphy ‘s journey in the antique Arabian Art , ALITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI.July 19.2003.
Sociological studies :
Sugar and salt in our popular patrimony :Moulouya.August 1999 No 89
Our dialect between fear and violence.MOULOUYA.1999.No 90.
Water in our tempers and traditions. MOULOUYA.1999.No 91.
Literature :
Textual space in the Novel waves of soul . MOULOUYA.1999.No93
Interviews :
Albayane :April 8.1983
Journal assona :July ,1987
Alsahara : July 28,1992
Moulouya :2000.
Planet Afrique :2003.
Published studies on the Artst :
*The dream * The Artwork by Mohammed Saoud : MOULOUYA .
*The tabou in the univers of Mohammed Saoud : MOULOUYA .
*Lonliness in the ^painting of Mohammed Saoud : MOULOUYA .
*The values of the envirenment in the paintings of Mohammed Saoud : MOULOUYA .
* A rich and successful experience : LE MATIN .July 1992 written by Abdelmajid Hallaoui
*A study over « Danse of a widow ». ALLITIHAD ALICHTIRAKI.August27.2001.Written by Abdessalem Saddiki


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