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Pine Singer

Phillipsport, New York, Estados Unidos
Artista (Artes digitais)
Nascido em 1953

Though I have had formal training in the art of design, it has been through life's events that I have been most inspired. The profound experiences encountered in nature have been my mentors in creativity, as well as a few very special people along the way.
I study today not with a book or an instructor in a classroom, but rather in the quietude I find continually in nature, among the birds and wildlife of my area. The earth and its inhabitants are my guides, leading me to new adventures not noticed prior. The animals are trusting of me, knowing I will cause them no harm. I study the flowers and how the wind blows them, the wildlife and their movements, interactions, nesting habits, and the care of the young as they arrive. I examine the snows, and the leaves in autumn, as there is amazement with each season's change that I am fortunate enough to experience.
The artworks I create have an added dimension, one that only I know has been drawn upon. There are elements in each piece, that if one looks very closely, you will be sure to discover, just as I have discovered a brightly colored leaf resting under a foot of snow in January, untarnished by the temperatures of the winter in the mountains.
Feel free to browse. Please contact me with any questions or suggestions.

Descubra obras de arte contemporâneas de Pine Singer, procure obras de arte recentes e compre on-line. Categorias: artistas contemporâneos americanos. Domínios artísticos: Artes digitais. Tipo de conta: Artista , usuário desde 2008 (País de origem Estados Unidos). Compre as últimas obras de Pine Singer no Artmajeur: Pine Singer: Descubra impressionantes obras do artista contemporâneo. Navegue obras de arte, comprar obras originais ou impressões de luxo.

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