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Left Hand Georges

heusden - zolder, Bélgica
Artista (Pintura)
Nascido em 1951

L.H.G. (left hand georges) - (Georges Veltjen)

Tel: 0032 485476850


Life is the root of music & art.

Left hand georges (Georges Veltjen)
L.H.G. (left hand georges) - (Georges Veltjen)

Left hand georges (Georges Veltjen)
I was born in Belgium 1951. I started making music at the age of 13.
Later I started painting. I traveled around the world where I found out that my life would be filled with music and art.
So I spent the rest of my life, putting my feelings into music and paintings.
My music is recorded on 8 albums: - 1997: In and out the country - individual
- 1998: 10 years C.A.W.A.B. - collective
- 1998: Road to Nashville – collective
- 1999: The country guide CD 2000 – collective
- 2000: The country guide CD 2001 – collective
- 2001: Range of colors - individual
- 2009 : tribute to Woody Guthtrie – individual
- 2012 : the painter - individual
As a painter I have several exhibitions in Belgium, in 1998 I went to portugal where I wrote all the songs for the album ‘ range of colors ‘ and have also exhibitions in Europe.
1996- Genk: ( B ) Gallery
1996- As: ( B ) cultuur naar mensen
- 1999- Leuven: ( B ) Gallery
- 2000- Lier: ( B ) Art for people - collective
- Genk: ( B ) Gallery Johan Langenaecker
- 2002- Penacova: ( P ) Camara Municipal - individual
- 2003- Coimbra: ( P ) Gallery S. Francisco – individual
- 2003- Coimbra: ( P ) Restaurante Novo Rest individual
- 2003- Coimbra: ( P ) Restaurante Cantinho do Reis - collective
- 2003- Coimbra: ( P ) Restaurante Forno a Lenha - individual
- 2003- Coimbra: ( P ) Restaurante D.Rodrigo - collective
- 2003- Coimbra: ( P ) Gallery de Arte Hotel Dona Inês - individual
- 2004- Coimbra: ( P ) Restaurante Cantinho do Reis - collective
- 2004- Mira: ( P ) Câmara Municipal de Mira - Museu Etnográfico da Praia de Mira - individual
- 2004- Coimbra: ( P ) Câmara Municipal de Coimbra - Ordem dos Advogados – individual
- 2004- Pombal: ( P ) Câmara Municipal de Pombal - Galeria do Teatro-Cine de Pombal – individual
- 2004- Penacova: ( P ) Parque Municipal Penacova – individual
- 2004 – Coimbra: ( p ) Restaurante-galeria Nacional - collective
- 2004 – Coimbra: ( P ) Restaurante Cantinho do Reis - individual
- 2004 – Vale Da Silva: ( P ) Atelier Alambique - collective
- 2005 - Coimbra: ( p ) Restaurante-galeria Nacional – individual
- 2005 - Coimbra: ( P ) Associação de Solidariedade Social dos Professores
- 2005 - Vale Da Silva: ( P ) Atelier Alambique - collective
- 2005 - Coimbra: ( P ) Restaurante Cantinho do Reis - collective
- 2005 - Vale Da Silva: ( P ) Atelier Alambique - individual
- 2005 – Tabua : ( p ) Câmara Mun

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