Expressionistische kunstwerken te koop

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Fotografie getiteld "Drawing system appl…" door Marcelle Delacité, Origineel Kunstwerk, Digitale fotografie
Drawing system applied to all Draw (Out system D 1/3 2/3) - Fotografie, 13.448,4x11.248 in ©2023 door Marcelle Delacité - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Meetkundig, fenêtre, végétation, nature, forêt, bois, ciel, reflet, proportion, calembour, rébus, plastique, fine art, photographie, contemporain, post contemporain, dystopie, Bonnard, Matisse, Allais, Duchamp

Marcelle Delacité

"Drawing system applied to all Draw (Out system D 1/3 2/3)"

Fotografie | 13.448,4x11.248 in

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Schilderij getiteld "Crepuscule" door Robert Labor, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie
Crepuscule - Schilderij, 39x48 in ©1973 door Robert Labor - Expressionism, expressionism-591

Robert Labor


Olie op Canvas | 39x48 in

Prints van US$ 56,43


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